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Fed hawks and doves: what US central bankers are saying

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Oct 2 (Reuters) -U.S. central bankers lopped half of a percentage point from their interest rate target in September. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the bigger-than-expected reduction was a sign of confidence that inflation is headed back to the 2% target and should not be seen as any indication of the pace of cuts going forward.

Here is a look at the latest comments from Fed policymakers, sorting them under the labels "dove" and "hawk" as a rough shorthand for their monetary policy leanings, as best as can be figured. A dove is more focused on risks to the labor market and may want to cut rates more quickly, while a hawk is more focused on the threat of inflation and may be more cautious about rate cuts.

The designations are based on comments and published remarks; for more, click on the photos in this graphic. For a breakdown of how Reuters' counts in each category have changed, please scroll to the bottom of this story.






Jerome Powell, Fed Chair, permanent voter: "This is not a committee that feels like it's in a hurry to cut rates quickly." Sept. 30, 2024

Michelle Bowman, Governor, permanent voter: "I cannot rule out the risk that progress on inflation could continue to stall." Sept 24, 2024

John Williams, New York Fed President, permanent voter: "With the economy now in equipoise and inflation on a path to 2%, it is now appropriate to dial down the degree of restrictiveness in the stance of policy." Sept 6, 2024

Thomas Barkin, Richmond Fed President, 2024 voter: "I'm more concerned about inflation than I am about the labor market ... I'm not talking about some big resurgence ... But I do think getting stuck is a very real risk." Oct 2, 2024

Philip Jefferson, Vice Chair: "It is too early to tell whether the recent slowdown in the disinflationary process will be long-lasting. The better reading for April is encouraging." May 20, 2024

Jeffrey Schmid, Kansas City Fed President, 2025 voter: "I would agree with several of my colleagues that you probably want to act maybe before (inflation) gets to two (percent) but that sustainability to two I think is really important." Aug 22, 2024

Michael Barr, Vice Chair of Supervision, permanent voter: "We will need to allow our restrictive policy some further time to continue its work." May 20, 2024

Lorie Logan, Dallas Fed President, 2026 voter: "We're going to need to see several more months of that data to really have confidence in our outlook that we're heading to 2%." June 18, 2024

Christopher Waller, Governor, permanent voter: "I was a big advocate of large rate hikes when inflation was moving much, much faster than any expected. And I would feel the same way on the downside to protect our credibility of maintaining a 2% inflation target." Sept 20, 2024

Neel Kashkari, Minneapolis Fed President, 2026 voter: "The balance of risks has shifted away from higher inflation and toward the risk of a further weakening of the labor market." Sept 23, 2024

Lisa Cook, Governor, permanent voter: "I whole heartedly supported the decision." Sept 26, 2024

Adriana Kugler, Governor, permanent voter: The Fed "now needs to balance its focus so we can continue making progress on disinflation while avoiding unnecessary pain and weakness in the economy." Sept 25, 2024

Mary Daly, San Francisco Fed President, 2024 voter: "We have to be very mindful that if policy is overly tight, you might get additional slowing in the labor market, and to my mind, that would be unwelcome." Sept 4, 2024

Raphael Bostic, Atlanta Fed President, 2024 voter: "If the story is that inflation is continuing its drop and the labor market is staying strong, I think we have the luxury of being a bit more patient." Sept 30, 2024

Alberto Musalem, St. Louis Fed President, 2025 voter: "For me, it's about easing off the brake at this stage. It's about making policy gradually less restrictive." Sept 27, 2024

Austan Goolsbee, Chicago Fed President, 2025 voter: "This is a process over a year or more that we're trying to get the rates down to normal ... It's going to be a lot of cuts." Sept 30, 2024

Susan Collins, Boston Fed President, 2025 voter: "I think a gradual, methodical pace once we are in a different policy stance is likely to be appropriate." Aug 22, 2024

Patrick Harker, Philadelphia Fed President, 2026 voter: "I think a slow, methodical approach down is the right way to go." Aug 22, 2024

Notes: Fed policymakers reduced the central bank's policy rate in September to the 4.75%-5.00% range, and projections released at the time showed most policymakers expected to reduce the rate by another quarter or half of a percentage point before the end of the year. The Cleveland Fed's new president, Beth Hammack, started her job on Aug. 21 and has not made any public comments on monetary policy. She is not included in this dove-hawk matrix.

The seven Fed governors, including the Fed chief and vice chairs, have permanent votes at the Federal Open Market Committee meetings, which are held eight times a year. All 12 regional Fed presidents discuss and debate monetary policy at the meetings, but only five cast votes, including the New York Fed president and four others who vote for one year at a time on a rotating schedule.

Reuters over time has shifted policymaker designations based on fresh comments and developing circumstances. Below is a Reuters count of policymakers in each category, heading into recent Fed meetings.







Sept '24






Apr/May; June; July '24






March '24






Jan '24






Dec '23






Oct/Nov '23






Sept '23






June '23






March '23






Dec '22






Reporting by Ann Saphir, Lindsay Dunsmuir, Michael S. Derby and Howard Schneider; Editing by Andrea Ricci and Paul Simao


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