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CD&R $17 bln French deal may hinge on big retreat

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Aimee Donnellan

LONDON, Oct 15 (Reuters Breakingviews) -In battle sometimes the best way forward is to retreat. Clayton Dubilier & Rice may have to follow that thinking as the buyout shop tries to clinch a 15 billion euro deal for Sanofi’s SASY.PA consumer unit amid rising concerns from French politicians. The U.S. group’s best hope may be pledges of more investment and surrender a little control. Even that may not be enough.

Completing a 15 billion euro buyout is tricky at the best of times. But CD&R’s acquisition of a 50% stake in laxative maker Opella is even more precarious given it is in France, where takeovers are rarely welcome, and involves a company whose headache pills are the most widely sold drug in France. This week France's economy minister Antoine Armand said the government would demand "precise, strong and intangible" commitments before approving a deal.

At the very least, CD&R will likely have to pledge to invest more, keep Opella based in France, and honour Sanofi’s pledge to make more drugs domestically. Such assurances can be relatively loose: in Britain, for example, CD&R has managed to sell off property of grocer Wm Morrison’s, despite pledging to limit disposals when it bought the group in 2021. Yet France is likely to insist on tougher commitments than those seen in Britain’s laisser-faire takeover code.

CD&R can probably afford to play ball. At the mooted price tag, the group is paying around 13 times EBITDA for the unit, a discount to rival Haleon HLN.L, trading on just over 14 times 2024 EBITDA, and funding over half of that with debt, according to Breakingviews sources. If the U.S. group pledges to invest an extra 500 million euros upfront and to spend 250 million euros on capital expenditure each year - more than Haleon does as a proportion of revenue - and it could still plausibly double its money. That’s according to a Breakingviews calculation that assumes Opella grows EBITDA by 5% annually, and that CD&R exits after five years on a 14 times multiple.

But that may not be enough. French politicians have legal powers to block the deal on the grounds that a U.S. owner threatens the country’s critical medicines. And the fallout from the pandemic has made them keen to keep more drug supplies in French hands. The problem for CD&R is that even if it commits to safeguarding supply chains and manufacturing for say five years that may not be long enough to assure the French government it is prepared for the next pandemic.

Bringing in a trusted French co-investor might help. In July Bpifrance’s José Gonzalo said he was willing to join forces with the winning private equity firm when PAI Partners was in the bidding process. If CD&R allowed its holding to fall below 50% by bringing in a French backer, politicians could argue that the company is still controlled by domestic investors.

The problem now is that the deal has attracted widespread public interest. And the Prime Minister Michel Barnier is weak and may not want to take unnecessary risks. Given the precarious backdrop, CD&R may regret not taking its medicine earlier.

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Clayton Dubilier & Rice is working on a package of job and investment guarantees to secure political support for its acquisition of a 50% controlling stake in Sanofi’s consumer unit Opella, Bloomberg News reported on Oct. 14.

The U.S. private equity group is facing rising political scrutiny over the deal, which valued the unit at around 15 billion euros. Finance Minister Antoine Armand said the government would ask for "extremely precise, strong and intangible conditions regarding what happens next," according to a Politico article.

CD&R is discussing guarantees around safeguarding jobs in France, as well as keeping Opella’s headquarters in the country, Bloomberg said.

Editing by Neil Unmack and Streisand Neto


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