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Rentokil’s US bug invites management fumigation

BREAKINGVIEWS-Rentokil’s US bug invites management fumigation The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. By Aimee Donnellan LONDON, Sept 11 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Rentokil RTO.L makes money helping people get rid of unwanted pests. The $13 billion group now needs to find a solution for a similarly persistent problem: disappointing growth in its U.S.

Rentokil shares fall after third warning on North America weakness

UPDATE 3-Rentokil shares fall after third warning on North America weakness Shares have lost about a third in value since October 2023 Company to cut US jobs to address cost overruns Says North America sales in July and August lower than expected Adds CEO comment in paragraph 3, details on Terminix deal and analyst quote in paragraphs 10-12 By Yamini Kalia and Yadarisa Shabong Sept 11 (Reuters) - Rentokil Initial RTO.L warned of lower annual profit on Wednesday after weaker than expected sales i

Rentokil hit by N.America woes; no immediate re-listing plans

UPDATE 2-Rentokil hit by N.America woes; no immediate re-listing plans 2024 N.America organic revenue growth seen at lower end of range No immediate plans to move listing to US Shares fell as much as 7% Rewrites, adds share milestones By Yamini Kalia July 25 (Reuters) - British pest control company Rentokil Initial RTO.L said on Thursday it expected underlying revenue at its North American business - the group's largest - to come in at the lower end of its forecast, sending its shares as much as

Rollins posts higher quarterly revenue on steady demand for pest control services

Rollins posts higher quarterly revenue on steady demand for pest control services July 24 (Reuters) - Rollins ROL.N reported a 9% jump in second-quarter revenue on Wednesday, helped by steady demand for its pest control services in the United States. Rising global temperatures boost pest populations, driving up demand for pest control services from households as well as businesses, benefiting companies such as Rollins.

Rollins Inc reports results for the quarter ended in January - Earnings Summary

Rollins Inc reports results for the quarter ended in January - Earnings Summary Rollins Inc ROL.N reported quarterly adjusted earnings of 27 cents​​ per share for the quarter ended in January, higher than the same quarter last year, when the company reported EPS of 23 cents. The mean expectation of nine analysts for the quarter was for earnings of 27 cents per share.

Rollins Inc reports results for the quarter ended in January - Earnings Summary

Rollins Inc reports results for the quarter ended in January - Earnings Summary Rollins Inc ROL.N reported quarterly adjusted earnings of 27 cents​​ per share for the quarter ended in January, higher than the same quarter last year, when the company reported EPS of 23 cents. The mean expectation of nine analysts for the quarter was for earnings of 27 cents per share.

Rollins Inc <ROL.N> expected to post earnings of 27 cents a share - Earnings Preview

Rollins Inc expected to post earnings of 27 cents a share - Earnings Preview Rollins Inc ROL.N , ROL is expected to show a rise in quarterly revenue when it reports results on July 24 for the period ending June 30 2024 The Atlanta Georgia-based company is expected to report a 9.0% increase in revenue to $895.021 million from $820.75 million a year ago, according to the mean estimate from 7 analysts, based on LSEG data.

Rentokil flags debugged trend towards mega buyouts

BREAKINGVIEWS-Rentokil flags debugged trend towards mega buyouts The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. Updates to add graphic. By Karen Kwok LONDON, July 22 (Reuters Breakingviews) - A potential takeover of London-listed rat-catcher Rentokil RTO.L is a sign that mega buyouts are getting debugged. Former BT BT.L boss Philip Jansen is talking to private equity groups about taking the $17 billion company private, says the Sunday Times.


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