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Sustainable Finance Newsletter - Vanguard bullish on proxy votes for the masses

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By Ross Kerber

Sept 18 (Reuters) -Everybody likes to pick on top mutual fund firms about their proxy votes, but asset managers may have a good answer with new programs meant to allow individual investors to influence how the votes are cast.

Pennsylvania-based Vanguard has had a pilot of such a program under way and offered a rundown this week about the results so far. You can read about how it's working out in my column linked below.

You'll also find links this week to stories about criticism from Chevron's CEO of the energy policies of President Joe Biden's administration, and about a record fine for PwC's mainland China unit over its work for failed property developer China Evergrande Group.

Please send news tips, comments, etc by connecting with me on LinkedIn. You can also reach out via ross.kerber@thomsonreuters.com

Vanguard bullish on proxy votes for the masses

Only 2% of Vanguard investors opted in to a pilot program to influence their funds' proxy votes this year, the Pennsylvania-based asset manager said, a low rate I thought might suggest its clients don't care about corporate elections.

Not so, said John Galloway, Vanguard's global head of investment stewardship. The paltry rate reflected the challenges of reaching a vast customer base through intermediaries like brokerage firms, Galloway told me and a group of other business journalists on Monday.

"We're committed to bringing this to scale," Galloway said on a video call. You can read more about Vanguard's work and ambitions inmy column this week, by clicking here.

Company News

Chevron CVX.N CEO Michael Wirth criticized the Biden administration for what he described as "attacks on the natural gas” industry and emphasized the crucial role of Permian natural gas in powering the rapid growth of artificial intelligence.

Chinese regulators hit PwC's mainland China unit with a six-month suspension and a record fine over the firm's audit of failed property developer China Evergrande Group.3333.HK

Indian police released most of the 104 striking workers at a Samsung Electronics 005930.KS plant who were detained for planning a protest march without permission. The dispute disrupted output at the factory.

On my radar

U.S. sustainable funds finished August with $350 billion in assets, near their peak of $360 billion in 2021, Morningstar said . But after 14 consecutive months of net outflows, the funds owe the comeback to investment gains rather than client demand.

Global oil demand will rise less than previously thought this year, led by weakness in China, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, bolstering its view that consumption is heading towards a plateau this decade.

Workiva, a provider of software for financial, environmental and risk reporting, found in a new survey of auditors, accountants and other professionals that 74% agreed ESG initiatives contribute to business performance. But only 20% felt ESG data is held to the same standard as financial data.

Vanguard proxy pilot results https://reut.rs/47sevEc

Reporting by Ross Kerber in Boston; Editing by David Gregorio


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