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Former VW chief goes on trial nine years after dieselgate

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By Christina Amann

BRAUNSCHWEIG, Germany, Sept 3 (Reuters) -Former Volkswagen Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn appeared in court on Tuesday on fraud charges over the so-called dieselgate scandal, nine years after the German carmaker was found to have rigged emissions tests.

Winterkorn, who was toppled from the helm of the company in September 2015 after it emerged that millions of Volkswagen cars had been manipulated to pass environmental standards, became a figurehead of the scandal, the biggest in the company's history.

Tuesday marked the start of the 77-year-old's criminal trial, the culmination of a case more than five years in the making.

The trial comes as the future of Volkswagen's German locations is in question, as the carmaker looks for billions of euros in savings at its namesake brand.

Winterkorn was tight-lipped entering court in the central city of Braunschweig in a dark-blue suit but told reporters he was "doing very well".

The criminal charges against Winterkorn include fraud, market manipulation and unlawful false testimony before a parliamentary committee.

He is also alleged to have failed to inform the capital market in good time about the mass manipulation of diesel engines in 2015.

Via his lawyer, Winterkorn denied the charges against him.

"Our client did not defraud or harm anyone, he did not deliberately leave the capital market in the dark so that investors would be harmed, and he told the investigating committee the truth," his lawyer said.

The 77-year-old has suffered from health problems, causing repeated delays to the start of the trial.

It was the former CEO's first time in court since February this year, when he appeared as a witness in an investor lawsuit.

He denied any involvement in decisions to install the so-called defeat devices that made harmful diesel emissions seem cleaner than they were.

He has previously been questioned by an investigative committee of Germany's lower house of parliament and by law firms commissioned by Volkswagen.

If found guilty, Winterkorn faces a fine or a custodial sentence.

Reporting by Christina Amann, Writing by Friederike Heine and Rachel More, Editing by Miranda Murray and Sharon Singleton


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