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Drillers emit far more methane than US estimates, aerial survey shows

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By Valerie Volcovici

WASHINGTON, July 31 (Reuters) -U.S. oil and gas basins are emitting around four times more planet-warming methane than federal regulators have estimated, according to the results of an aerial survey released on Wednesday by the Environmental Defense Fund.

The study underscores concern among researchers and environmentalists that the petroleum industry’s contribution to climate change is much higher than official tallies because of uncounted releases of the powerful greenhouse gas.

EDF and its partners, which include Alphabet Inc's Google GOOGL.O, BAE Systems BAES.L, and the New Zealand Space Agency, used a jet aircraft equipped with a spectrometer to measure methane emissions over 12 oil and gas basins last year.

The project, called MethaneAIR, involved 32 flights between June and October 2023 and provided data that pointed to an average emissions rate across those basins of 7.5 million metric tons per year, EDF said.

EDF said that result was an emissions-rate about four times what the Environmental Protection Agency estimates. EPA derives its estimates mainly from industry reports to a database.

The EPA was not immediately available for comment.

MethaneAIR is the precursor to a satellite launched this spring dubbed MethaneSAT that is meant to provide an even more accurate estimate of methane emissions, by monitoring continuously from space as opposed to taking snapshots during flights. Its first data will be available this fall.

"This tranche of MethaneAIR data is a huge leap forward in terms of the capability of anything that is out there today and a small taste of what we will start to see coming from MethaneSAT," said EDF spokesman Jon Coifman.

Methane, which has a warming potential far higher than carbon dioxide, can leak into the atmosphere undetected from drill sites, gas pipelines and other oil and gas equipment.

The U.S. has finalized rules that target large leaks of methane from oil and gas operations and will introduce a fee for operators not on track to meet those targets.

The EU also approved methane emissions limits on oil and gas imports from 2030, pressuring international suppliers, including those in the U.S., to cut leaks.

MethaneAIR also showed that the observed emissions rate was eight times higher the target adopted by 50 companies at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai to limit their methane emissions intensity to no more than 0.2% by 2030.

Reporting by Valerie Volcovici; Editing by David Gregorio


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