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TIFF 2024: More protests planned even as festival cancels 'Russians at War' screenings

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TORONTO, Sept 13 (Reuters) -Ukrainian Canadians planned more protests on Friday at the Toronto International Film Festival even though its organizers reversed course and canceled screenings of a documentary about Russian soldiers in Ukraine that has been criticized as propaganda.

Earlier this week, ahead of its initial showing, "Russians At War" drew scores of protesters outside a Toronto theatre demanding TIFF withdraw the film's inclusion in the festival.

TIFF organizers rebuffed their demands but on Thursday the festival said it was "forced to pause" screenings over the weekend after becoming aware of threats to festival operations and public safety.

"This is an unprecedented move for TIFF," organizers said in a statement. "We support civil discourse about and through films, including differences of opinion, and we fully support peaceful assembly."

Anastasia Trofimova, a Russian-Canadian director and cinematographer, based "Russians At War" on footage she shot while embedded for seven months with Russian troops near the front line in Ukraine.

The documentary is a raw and visceral look at the war from the unfiltered perspective of soldiers fighting on the ground. They speak directly to the camera about fear, death and hope as the war rages around them.

Earlier in the week, Ukrainian Consul General Oleh Nikolenko said the documentary was an attempt to whitewash war crimes committed by the Russian military since its invasion of Ukraine began in 2022.

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who is of Ukrainian heritage, also condemned the film and its inclusion at TIFF.

Trofimova has denied that her documentary was propaganda. On the contrary, she said, it was filmed without permission of the Russian government, putting her at risk of criminal prosecution in Russia.

After TIFF announced its decision to pause the screenings, the film's producers called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to "fully investigate this affront, from within a sovereign government, to our democratic values in a free media."

Nikolenko said TIFF's decision was "the only right decision" and the group would "continue to fight Russian propaganda."

The Toronto branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress told its members on Facebook to gather for peaceful protests on Friday dressed in traditional white clothing and holding sunflowers, a symbol of peace and resilience, in anticipation that TIFF could show the film in the future.

Reporting by Nivedita Balu in Toronto; Editing by Frank McGurty and Jonathan Oatis


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