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Tesla's labour dispute in Sweden draws in unions across Nordics

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Adds details on Unionen and Seko in paragraphs 16-17

May 14 (Reuters) -A dispute between Tesla TSLA.O and Sweden's IF Metall has drawn in unions across the Nordic region, all urging the electric carmaker to sign a collective bargaining agreement.

IF Metall-affiliated workers started a strike at Tesla's facilities in Sweden on Oct. 27, sparking sympathy strikes from dockworkers, cleaners and car dealerships.

Sympathy strikes are generally legal in Nordic countries, unlike in the U.S. where they are largely prohibited.

IF Metall allowed its mechanics to repair undrivable Tesla cars at independent workshops between Feb. 19 and April 30, easing pressure on private customers and workshops.

Below is an overview of sympathy action that is adding pressure to Tesla by potentially disrupting its supply chain in Sweden, where its Model Y was 2023's top-selling car:


Sweden's transport workers' union pledged in November to block loading and unloading of Tesla cars across the country's ports. A dockworkers' union also said it would not handle Tesla cars in Swedish harbours.

The union of civil servants said its members at PostNord, owned by the Swedish and Danish states, would pause deliveries to Tesla from Nov. 21.

The electricians' union vowed in November to block electrical repair works at Tesla facilities and charging stations, and a painters' union warned it planned to stop painting Tesla cars.

The building maintenance workers' union halted all work related to the automaker from Nov. 17, while a building workers' union pledged to halt maintenance and construction work at Tesla service workshops.

The transport workers' union stopped collecting waste at Tesla's workshops in Sweden from Dec. 29.

Swedish municipal workers' union Kommunal also stopped waste collection from Tesla's facilities in Mölndal and Örebro from Jan. 2. It also plans to block waste collection by other service providers.

Unionised workers at Hydro Extrusions, a subsidiary of Norwegian aluminium and energy company Hydro NHY.OL, stopped work on Tesla car products from Nov. 24. The workers are members of IF Metall.

Sweden's musicians' union said on Nov. 14 it would block some music from Tesla cars' media systems.

Some Swedish pension funds have urged Tesla to sign the agreement with the union, but so far held off selling shares.

On May 14, Unionen, Sweden's largest union, escalated the action against Tesla with a blockade affecting all DEKRA Industrial AB's inspection work for Tesla.

The Seko union, which represents service and communications workers, on the same day stepped up a battle over access to licence plates, expanding a blockade to prevent Tesla from circumventing the postal service halt imposed by the unions.


Norway's largest private sector labour union said on Dec. 6 it would start blocking transit shipments of Tesla cars meant for the Swedish market from Dec. 20, unless the automaker reached an agreement with IF Metall.

The union said it intended to send a "clear signal to Tesla" and do what was necessary to ensure that any vehicle shipments via Norway to Sweden were blocked.


Danish dockworkers' union said on Dec. 5 it would not unload or transport cars made by Tesla for Swedish customers.

PensionDanmark, one of the country's largest pension funds, said on Dec. 6 it had decided to sell its holdings in Tesla over the its refusal to enter into agreements with labour unions.


Finnish transport workers' union said on Dec. 7 its dockers would not load Tesla vehicles and components destined for Sweden in all Finnish ports from Dec. 20.

Compiled by Jesus Calero and Greta Rosen Fondahn in Gdansk
Editing by Milla Nissi, Frances Kerry and Mark Potter


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