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Pakistan police arrest several lawmakers in jailed Imran Khan's party

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Crackdown come after a major rally called for Khan's release

Khan's PTI party protests against 'raids inside parliament'

Parliament speaker orders investigation into trespassing

Updates with details, background in paragraphs 2-6

By Asif Shahzad and Gibran Naiyyar Peshimam

ISLAMABAD, Sept 10 (Reuters) -Pakistani police arrested several lawmakers and leaders of ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan's party in midnight raidsa day after it held a major rally in the capital to demand his release, the party and police said on Tuesday.

The former cricket star, 71, has been in jail for overa year since his ouster in 2022 after a falling-outwith powerful military generals, which has spawnedthe worst political turmoil in decades ineconomically unstable 241 million people nation.

A police spokesman confirmed the detention of four individuals but gave no details of charges. Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party said nearly a dozen of its parliamentarians had been picked up in Islamabad. Others had sought refuge in parliament to evade law enforcers, it said.

Its lawmakers protested in a session of the National Assembly on Tuesday, calling for action against what they alleged was the illegal entry of law enforcement personnel into the premises of parliament.

"Plainclothes people entered the parliament and arrested people's representatives - this is an assault on Pakistan's democracy," PTI legislator Ali Muhammad said.

National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq announced that he would investigate the complaints, which, if verified, could result in legal action. He ordered all detained lawmakers to be returned to parliament.

Media footage showed police pushing the lawmakers into vehicles outside parliament, a scene that Omar Ayub Khan, the party's leader of the opposition, called "despicable".

"Yesterday's massive protest has sent shivers down the government's spine," Khan's aide, Zulfikar Bukhari, said in a post on X, calling the detentions illegal.

Party chairman Gohar Khan was among those held, added Bukhari, who is also a party spokesman.

Candidates backed by thePTI won the most seats in a general election in February but fell short of the majority required to form a government. Khan'srivals cobbled together a coalition instead to set up a bloc under Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

The crackdown camea day after the PTI rally heldon Islamabad's outskirts to demand Khan's release was marred by clashes between supporters and police that injured a senior police official.

The PTI said the violence began after police lobbed teargas canister at a peaceful gatheringin a bid to disperse it.

Some party leaders, such as Ali Amin Gandapur, chief minister of the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, criticised the ruling alliance and the military inspeeches at the rally.

"Put your house in order," he advised the military, warning against any attempt at a military trial for Khan. "I am not scared of the army uniform."

Information Minister Attaullah Tarar said Gandapur had threatened to free Khan from jail by force and incited his supporters to engage in violence.

Reporting by Asif Shahzad in Islamabad and Gibran Peshimam in Karachi; editing by Clarence Fernandez and Mark Heinrich


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