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Italy - Factors to watch on July 9

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Tuesday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Treasury to sell up to 8.5 billion euros in bonds at July 11 auction.


Bank of Italy releases May data on Italian residents deposits with domestic banks, banks lending to non-financial companies and gross bad loans at Italian banks.



Italian energy group has made a significant oil and gas discovery in the Sureste Basin, about 63 kilometres off the coast of Mexico, it said on Monday.


Jefferies has raised on Tuesday its rating to 'buy' from 'hold' and the target price to 73 euros from 58 euros. Separately, Citigroup has raised the target price to 67.50 euros from 62.50 euros.


The Mayor of Genoa, representing the largest single shareholder in the Italian utility, has picked internal manager Gianluca Bufo as the new CEO, La Repubblica daily reported on Tuesday, adding he is likely to be appointed in late August or early September. Bufo would succeed Paolo Emilio Signorini, who was sacked last month following his arrest as part of a corruption investigation related to a previous job.


The automaker said on Tuesday it would expand its line of cheaper hybrid vehicles to 36 models in Europe by 2026, to meet growing demand for this engine type, an alternative to petrol-fuelled cars and electric vehicles.


Italy's top insurer has no plans to grow in Britain's insurance sector, being interested only in European countries where it already operates and emerging markets, a source close to the situation said on Monday.


Italy is planning to spend just under 7.5 billion euros ($8.1 billion) over the next 11 years on 24 new Eurofighter jets, according to a document by the Ministry of Defence seen by Reuters on Monday.

The Eurofighter Typhoon jets are built by a German, British, Italian and Spanish consortium, represented by Airbus AIR.PA, BAE Systems BAES.L and Leonardo.


Equita Sim analysts said it is unlikely that majority shareholder CVC Capital Partners CVC.AS will embark on a speculative M&A scenario or place on the market a minority stake in the pharmaceutical group, MF newspaper reported on Tuesday.


Canadian group Stelco STLC.TO is a fourth possible suitor for the Italian steelmaker known as ex-Ilva, alongside Ukraine's Metinvest and Indian groups Vulcan Green Steel and Steel Mont, Il Sole 24 Ore and Corriere della Sera newspaper said on Tuesday.


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends NATO summit on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the Atlantic Alliance in Washington (to July 11).

Rome, banking association ABI holds annual meeting (0800 GMT); ABI President Antonio Patuelli presents report, Bank of Italy Governor Fabio Panetta and Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti give speeches.

Milan, think-tank Nomisma presents 2nd report on real estate market in 2024 (0830 GMT).

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