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Federal Reserve Events

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***Denotes a new entry.


Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) MEETING DATES:


July 30-31 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

September 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

November 6-7 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)

December 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)


January 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)



No public events are currently scheduled.



Wednesday, JULY 17

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin gives informal remarks on the economy before the Greater Prince George's Business Roundtable, 0900 EDT/1300 GMT. No text. No livestream. Audience Q&A and separate media availability expected. Family Live Center, 600 Watkins Park Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774. RSVP: Jim Strader, jim.strader@rich.frb.org or 804 332 0207

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller speaks on the economic outlook before hybrid event hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 0835 CDT/0935 EDT/1335 GMT. Text and livestream available. Q&A expected. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1 Memorial Drive. RSVP for livestream/in-person attendance: Victoria Rosengarten, victoria.rosengarten@kc.frb.org. NOTE: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Jeffrey Schmid will give welcome remarks.

Thursday, JULY 18
DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Lorie Logan gives opening remarks before the "Exploring Conventional Bank Funding Regimes in an Unconventional World" conference co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1245 CDT/1345 EDT/1745 GMT. Text available. No Q&A. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75201. RSVP: Jon Prior, jon.prior@dal.frb.org. Event information: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24deposit

DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly participates in fireside chat before the "Exploring Conventional Bank Funding Regimes in an Unconventional World" conference co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1505 PDT/1705 CDT/1805 EDT/2205 GMT. Livestream available. No prepared remarks. No audience Q&A. No group media interview. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75201. RSVP: Jon Prior, jon.prior@dal.frb.org. Event information: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24deposit. Livestream at https://www.frbsf.org/news-and-media/events/2024/07/fireside-chat-with-mary-c-daly-and-jeanna-smialek-2024/

DALLAS - Federal Reserve Board Governor Michelle Bowman speaks on "Accountability and Reform" before the "Exploring Conventional Bank Funding Regimes in an Unconventional World" conference co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1845 CDT/1945 EDT/2345 GMT. Text available. No Q&A. Webcast at https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24deposit. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75201. RSVP for in-person attendance: James Hoard, james.hoard@dal.frb.org

Friday, JULY 19

CUSCO, Peru - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams participates in "A New Era for Monetary Policy" panel before the BCRP-RBWC-IDB 15th Annual Conference: "The Rewiring of the Global Economy" organized by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee (RBWC), and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 1040 EDT/1440 GMT (0940 PET). No text. Moderated Q&A expected. Livestream at https://www.youtube.com/@bcrpoficial/streams for this session. Information: https://events.iadb.org/calendar/event/27981?lang=en. Contact: Brian Manning, brian.manning@ny.frb.org

DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic gives closing remarks before the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas/Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta "Exploring Conventional Bank Funding Regimes in an Unconventional World" conference, 1200 CDT/1300 EDT/1700 GMT. Livestream available. No Q&A. No embargoed text. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75201. RSVP: Jon Prior, jon.prior@dal.frb.org. Event information: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24deposit

Thursday, September 26

NEW YORK - (INVITED) Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr and Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams participate in the 2024 Treasury Market Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Webcast available. Agenda, other details TBA. 33 Liberty Street. contact: Betsy Bourassa, betsy.bourassa@ny.frb.org. Information: https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/events/markets/2024/0926-2024



1400 EDT/1800 GMT:

Wednesday, August 21 (for meeting of July 30-31)

Wednesday, October 9 (for meeting of September 17-18)

1400 EST/1900 GMT:
Tuesday, November 26 (for meeting of November 6-7)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (for meeting of December 17-18)

Beige Book (Wednesday dates)


1400 EDT/1800 GMT:

July 17, September 4, October 23

1400 EST/1900 GMT:

December 4

Federal Reserve Quarterly Financial Accounts of the United States (Z.1)

Thursday, September 12, at 1200 EDT/1600 GMT




Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond president
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco president


Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston president
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City president


Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas president
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president


((To access stories on Fed policy click on FED/AHEAD. For a diary of top economic events, see M/DIARY)


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