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Brazil inflation forecast to have stayed virtually flat in August

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By Gabriel Burin

Sept 9 (Reuters) -Brazil's inflation is forecast to have stayed virtually flat in August on the month thanks to lower food and energy prices, a Reuters poll showed, though the annual rate continued to be relatively high.

The annual measure has deviated further from the official target since May, leading President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to give unusual signs of support for a more hawkish monetary policy guidance to calm worsening inflation expectations.

Official price data due to be released on Tuesday are set to show a marginal 0.01% monthly increase in August versus July, according to the median estimate of 22 economists polled Sept. 4-9. The consensus forecast for the annual rise was 4.29%.

"Food deflation should have continued last month, and the same in energy with a 'green flag' (for power tariffs), as well as services inflation oscillating around 0.35% in a benign manner," Stephan Kautz, chief economist at EQI Asset, said.

Brazil has a color system of green, yellow and red levels or "flags" for energy costs, depending on certain conditions. Green means no additional charges are applied on bills, while yellow and red flags activate surcharges.

For September, regulators changed the power price flag to red after reservoir levels fell and below average rainfall forecasts. More than half of the country's power supply is generated by hydroelectric plants.

Rising energy prices could stoke further inflation concerns following the recent divergence from the official target of 3.0%. Lula has signaled he may accept interest rate hikes by the central bank, contrary to his usual stand against them.

Last month, Banco Central do Brasil chief Roberto Campos Neto said any interest rate adjustment would be "gradual", as part of policymakers' firm commitment to bring inflation down to target.

A series of rate hikes between 2021-2022 to a cycle high of 13.75% helped tame a worrying trajectory that saw annual inflation jump to 12%. Since then, the central bank has implemented a short string of rate cuts to 10.50% currently.

The local currency's weakness has been another factor driving inflation this year. The real BRL=, BRBY has lost around 13% so far in 2024, making international goods and services more expensive for Brazilians.

"The real remains under pressure and continues to push up near-term and 2025 consensus inflation expectations ... We estimate year-end inflation at 4.25% for 2024 and at 4.09% for 2025," Societe Generale analysts wrote in a report.

Reporting and polling by Gabriel Burin; Editing by Andrew Heavens


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