Getty Images to issue a refund for charging extra to customers, Australia watchdog says
Adds details from paragraph 2 onwards
Nov 1 (Reuters) -Australia's competition watchdog said on Friday Getty Images GETY.N has committed to issue an A$78,000 ($51,316.20) refund to more than 200 customers who were allegedly charged greater-than-disclosed amounts for cancelling their iStock subscriptions.
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) said it was concerned that the online stock photography company misled its customers by claiming that cancelling an iStock subscription after a one-month trial would incur only an administrative fee, when the actual charge was half the remaining annual subscription cost.
The ACCC also identified concerns about iStock's website, which listed monthly prices for annual subscriptions without disclosing the total cost, potentially confusing consumers about the subscription terms.
"Businesses must clearly and accurately state the total price and key terms and conditions, such as the length of the subscription and cancellation terms, from the outset when selling subscription-based products," ACCC Commissioner Liza Carver said.
Getty Images has amended its pricing pages and it now notifies customers prior to the end of their free trial, the ACCC said.
"Getty Images was responsive to customer feedback and to the ACCC's concerns in agreeing to provide refunds to its customers and amend its iStock website, so the ACCC does not propose to take further enforcement action," Carver said.
"Getty Images worked actively with the ACCC to address concerns related to our iStock Free Trial program and are actively working to refund impacted customers," a Getty Images spokesperson said.
($1 = 1.5200 Australian dollars)
Reporting by Echha Jain in Bengaluru; additional reporting by Shivangi Lahiri in Bengaluru; editing by Alan Barona
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