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Singapore's middle distillates stocks rebound to over 11 mln barrels

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By Trixie Yap

SINGAPORE, Sept 5 (Reuters) -Singapore's middle distillates stockpiles climbed back above 11 million barrels, despite a rise in net exports for diesel/gasoil and jet fuel/kerosene, official data showed on Thursday.

Commercial stockpiles of diesel/gasoil and jet fuel/kerosene at key oil storage hub Singapore were at 11.374 million barrels for the week ended Sept. 4, compared with 10.744 million barrels in the previous week, data from Enterprise Singapore showed. O/SING1

Net exports of diesel/gasoil grew by more than three times from a week ago, as total imports fell by almost 62%.

Total imports from regional key exports were mostly absent in the week, contributing to the decline.

Imports for industrial and transport fuel mostly came from Russia, in line with earlier analyst expectations.

Some volumes arrived from South Korea and Malaysia as well, but levels were lower from a week ago, the data added.

Meanwhile, for India and Middle East-origin cargoes, some volumes are still expected to hit Singapore shores in the next two weeks, shiptracking data from Kpler and LSEG showed.

September arrivals into Singapore could also hit a seven-month high, Kpler shiptracking data showed, amid lower average refining runs in the city-state because of scheduled maintenance.

Total exports of diesel/gasoil for the week gained slightly by around 8%, with volumes to regional destinations still taking up the largest proportion of the market.

For jet fuel/kerosene, total imports climbed by around 66% week on week, while total exports grew around 73%.

Volumes from China continued to arrive, with more expected in the coming weeks from northeast Asia - likewise the situation for diesel/gasoil - as buyers here replenish stocks as the refinery maintenance season is underway.

Meanwhile, Singapore's imports of jet fuel/kerosene is slated to hit a record high in September, LSEG and Kpler shiptracking data showed.

(1 ton = around 7.45 barrels for gasoil)

(1 ton = around 7.88 barrels for jet fuel/kerosene)

Singapore's diesel/gasoil imports https://reut.rs/4dQ4cvQ

Singapore's diesel/gasoil exports https://reut.rs/3z4hHJq

Reporting by Trixie Yap; Editing by Rashmi Aich


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