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Robusta coffee gains after Monday's sharp slide, cocoa slips

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LONDON, Sept 3 (Reuters) -Robusta coffee prices on ICE rallied on Tuesday, reversing in part the prior session's sharp slide as dealers renewed their focus on supply risks, while cocoa prices edged lower.


* November robusta coffee LRCc2 rose 2.9% to $4,839 a metric ton at 1226 GMT, having closed down 5% on Monday.

* Prices remain some way off last week's peak of $5,180 which was the highest level in at least 16 years.

* Robusta prices remain underpinned by longstanding concerns that extreme heat earlier this year in top producer Vietnam could reduce the upcoming harvest there.

* Keeping price gains in check however, dealers said farmers in Indonesia, the world's second largest robusta exporter, are more willing to release their coffee thanks to high prices.

* December arabica coffee KCc2 fell 0.6% to $2.4255 per lb.

* Honduran coffee exports dipped 19.4% in August compared to the same period last year, the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) said, citing diseases hitting harvests.


* December London cocoa LCCc2 fell 0.4% to 5,307 per ton, with an improved outlook for next season's crops in top producer Ivory Coast helping keep a lid on prices.

* No. 2 producer Ghana will increase the state-guaranteed price paid to its cocoa farmers by nearly 45% for the 2024/25 season, two sources told Reuters.

* December New York cocoa CCc2 fell 1.8% to $7,536 a ton.


* October raw sugar SBc1 rose 0.8% to 19.54 cents per lb.

* Sugar is being underpinned by No. 2 producer India's decision to allow sugar mills to use cane juice to produce ethanol.

* Keeping sugar's gains in check however, are forecasts for ample rainfall in key producers India and Thailand.

* October white sugar LSUc1 rose 2.3% to $544.20 a ton.

Reporting by Maytaal Angel; Editing by Alexander Smith


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