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Global data center industry to emit 2.5 billion tons of CO2 through 2030, Morgan Stanley says

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NEW YORK, Sept 3 (Reuters) -A boom in data centers is expected to produce about 2.5 billion metrictons of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions globallythrough the end of the decade, and accelerate investments in decarbonization efforts, according to Morgan Stanley research.

Hyperscalers, which includeGoogle GOOGL.O,Microsoft MSFT.O,Meta META.Oand Amazon AMZN.O,are driving the swift proliferation ofelectricity-guzzling data centers to expand their artificial intelligence and cloud computing technologies. At the same time, the companies are holding onto pledges to slash global warming emissions from their centers by 2030.

"This creates a large market for decarbonization solutions," according to Morgan Stanley's research report on Monday, which said the greenhouse gas emissions by the global data center industry will amount to about 40% of what the entire U.S. emits in a year.

The build-out of the giant computer warehouses will increase investments in clean power development; energy efficient equipment and so-called green building materials, Morgan Stanley said. Carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) technology and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) processes are also expected to get a boost as tech companies try to keep their climate promises, the report said.

Reporting by Laila Kearney
Editing by Marguerita Choy


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