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CBOT Trends-Wheat steady-down 1 cent, corn steady-up 2 cents, soy steady-up 3 cents

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CHICAGO, Sept 6 (Reuters) -Following are U.S. expectations for the resumption of grain and soy complex trading at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) at 8:30 a.m. CDT (1330 GMT) on Friday.

WHEAT - Steady to down 1 cent per bushel

* Russia, the world's biggest wheat exporter,introduced a state of emergency for the farm sector in the Tomsk region of Siberia because of weather damage to the harvest, the region's governor said.

* In Ukraine, a major wheat and corn producer, grain exports in the 2024/25 July-June season reached 7.5 million metric tons as of Sept. 6, up from 4.9 million tons by the same date of the previous season, agriculture ministry data showed. The volume included 4 million tons of wheat.

* The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported weekly U.S. wheat export sales for 2024/25 were 340,000 metric tons, compared to analysts' estimates for 300,000-600,000 tons.

* CBOT December soft red winter wheat WZ24 was last down 1/4 cent at $5.74-1/2 a bushel. K.C.December hard red winter wheat KWZ24 was last down 1/2 cents at $5.88-1/4 a bushel, while MGEX December spring wheat MWEZ24 was last down 2-3/4 cents at $6.23 a bushel.

CORN - Steady to up 2 cents per bushel

* Patchy rain relief is forecast in some U.S. corn-growing areas, according to Commodity Weather Group.

* USDA reported weekly U.S. corn export sales of 1,822,500 metric tons for 2024/25, compared to analysts' expectations for 700,000-1,400,000 metric tons.

* CBOT December corn CZ24 was last up 2 cents at $4.12-3/4 per bushel.

SOYBEANS - Steady to up 3 cents per bushel

* USDA reported weekly U.S. soybean export sales of 1,658,700 metric tons for 2024/25, within a wide range of estimates for 800,000-2,000,000 metric tons.

* Brazilian soybean farmers could produce 14% more in the 2024/2025 season, compared with the previous one, a Reuters poll of ten analysts and market institutions showed, as expectations of more rain in the last quarter of the year rise.

* CBOT November soybeans SX24 were last up 2-1/4 cents at $10.25-3/4 per bushel.

Reporting by Renee Hickman


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