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US Medicare says Part D and Advantage premiums will fall in 2025

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By Ahmed Aboulenein

WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) -Average premiums and benefits for Medicare's prescription drug program and private Medicare plans are projected to remain stable in 2025 with premiums slightly declining, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said on Friday.


The premiums are of interest to consumers enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans run by private insurers who are then paid by the government, and the health plans themselves, who set premiums and benefits based on the reimbursement rates.

The government has been trying bring down MA prices to the level of original Medicare, the government health plan for those age 65 and older.

Private health insurers had argued cutting their rates would limit what benefits they offer, but the government's projections on Friday showed they remain stable. Shares of health insurers had fallen between 6% and 12% in April when the rates were announced.


Medicare is the U.S. government's health insurance program for people over the age of 65 and the disabled.

Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private insurers who are paid a set rate by the government to manage healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries who want extra benefits not offered in regular Medicare coverage.

Medicare also contains an optional prescription drug coverage program known as Part D.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs Medicare, announced in April its final 2025 rates for MA payments, which included a 0.2% cut.

The cut is part of a three-year plan to decrease payments to MA plans as part of an effort the government says will bring them more in line with original Medicare.


Medicare Advantage plan enrollment will grow to 35.7 million people in 2025, or 51% of all Medicare beneficiaries, up from 50% in 2024.

Average MA monthly premiums are projected to fall by $1.23 from $18.23 in 2024 to $17 in 2025.

Almost 60% of beneficiaries will have zero-dollar premiums in 2025 and 83% will have the same premiums or lower if they stay with their current plan, including 20% who will see premiums fall.

Average Part D premiums are projected to fall by $7.45 in 2025 to $46.50, down from $53.95 in 2024.

Reporting by Ahmed Aboulenein
Editing by Bill Berkrot


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