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Soybeans ease on better-than-expected US crop condition

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SINGAPORE, Sept 10 (Reuters) -Chicago soybean futures slid on Tuesday, giving up some of the previous session's gains as a U.S. weekly report showed steady condition of the crop despite dry weather last week.

Corn and wheat eased after closing higher in the last session.


* The most-active soybean contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Sv1 fell 0.3% to $10.15-1/2 a bushel, as of 0011 GMT, having gained 1.3% on Monday. Corn Cv1 fell 0.4% to $4.05-3/4 a bushel and wheat Wv1 gave up 0.4% to $5.66-1/2 a bushel.

* The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) left condition ratings for the U.S. soybean crop unchanged after the CBOT closed on Monday, pegging 65% of the crop as good to excellent despite trade expectations for a decline.

* Dry weather has persisted in much of the U.S. crop belt, potentially stressing late-planted soybeans.

* On Monday, soybeans gained on demand for U.S. supplies and worries about a slow start to planting in Brazil, the world's top exporter.

* Brazil's soybean planting for the 2024/25 season has not yet started due to low soil moisture and dry and hot weather, consultancy AgRural said on Monday.

* Brazilian farmers in the country's key centre-south region had planted 15% of the expected area for the 2024/25 first corn crop as of last Thursday, up from 8% a week earlier but short of the previous season's 17%.

* Meanwhile, the USDA confirmed private sales of 132,000 metric tons of U.S. soybeans to China, the latest in a string of exports to the world's biggest soy buyer.

* The agency reported the U.S. corn harvest as 5% complete, ahead of the five-year average of 3%. The government expects to report its first soybean harvest progress figure in next week's report.

* China announced on Monday the start of a one-year anti-dumping investigation into imports of rapeseed from Canada, just weeks before Ottawa's 100% tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles and other products come into force.

* Russian wheat export prices were little changed last week amid weak demand as unfavourable weather conditions force analysts to lower their crop forecasts.

* Consultancy IKAR has cut its forecast for Russia's wheat crop to 82.2 million metric tons from 83.8 million tons and wheat exports to 44 million metric tons from 44.5 million tons citing "very adverse weather in Volga, Urals, and Siberia".

* Commodity funds were net buyers of CBOT soybean, soyoil, corn, wheat and soymeal futures contracts on Monday, traders said. COMFUND/CBT


* U.S. stocks closed sharply higher on Monday and the dollar strengthened as markets awaited key data and actions from central banks. MKTS/GLOB


0600 Germany HICP Final YY Aug

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Reporting by Naveen Thukral; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu


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