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Japanese big buyers of foreign bonds, stronger yen affect?

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>BUZZ-Japanese big buyers of foreign bonds, stronger yen affect?</title></head><body>

  • Japanese investors again big buyers of foreign bonds week-ended Aug 31

  • Larger buys likely on recently stronger yen, to lock in current rate diffs

  • Yield differentials with abroad narrowing fast, currency risk but hedge-able

  • Japanese bought net Y1.6405 tln foreign bonds latest week,Y1.555 tln prev

  • Japanese also bought net Y384.7 bln foreign stocks, sold Y275.5 bln bills

  • On other side of ledger, foreign investors good sellers of Japanese assets

  • Net Y824.4 bln stocks, Y1.3985 tln JGBs, Y1.4088 tln bills sold latest week

  • Sales likely on view BOJ to continue with rate hikes this year

  • Repatriation flows too with US, European stocks again on the up-and-up

  • Previous comment nL1N3KG00J, on BOJ, USD/JPY nL1N3KA01Z

  • For more click on FXBUZ

Japanese investments in overseas debt securities Japanese investments in overseas debt securities: https://tmsnrt.rs/3JW3oI3

Japanese investments in stocks abroad Japanese investments in stocks abroad: https://tmsnrt.rs/3nxoepG

Foreign flows into Japanese debt securities Foreign flows into Japanese debt securities: https://tmsnrt.rs/3nsVz5d

Foreign flows into Japanese stocks Foreign flows into Japanese stocks: https://reut.rs/3SQDye4

(Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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