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Czech central banker calls for companies switching to euros to be in policy models

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By Jan Lopatka and Jason Hovet

PRAGUE, Sept 16 (Reuters) -Czech central bank board member Jan Kubicek called for its monetary policy to start taking into account local companies switching their borrowing out of Czech crowns into euros at times of high interest rate differentials.

Policy recommendations from its models during the inflation wave of 2021-2023 would have been different if the central bank had taken into account that companies raised the proportion of loans in euros as interest rates jumped, Kubicek told Reuters.

The shift came as the Czech National Bank began raising interest rates much sooner than the European Central Bank.

Switching to euros helped Czech firms escape high domestic rates, which in turn limited the effectiveness of that part of the central bank's credit channel as a monetary policy tool.

Kubicek said in an interview this factor should be included, regardless of other recommendations by three external reviews of the bank's policymaking due to be completed by the end of 2024.

"We will have an explicitly included mechanism that companies can switch into euros and back, depending on the interest rate differential between crown and euro rates, and that in itself can influence our decision making," he said.

Kubicek said including the phenomenon in the past would have resulted in fewer steep rate hikes and subsequent quick cuts -- a scenario he called "Matterhorn" -- in the past than the central bank's model recommended.

"It would have helped us. I believe the model would not have generated the Matterhorn because it would have taken into account that companies are switching to euro loans."

The policy board rejected the sharper rate hikes seen in models in 2022 and instead opted for a longer period of keeping rates at a peak of 7%. It began cutting the rate in December last year to its current level of 4.50%.

The central bank this year commissioned three reviews to look at interactions of monetary and fiscal policies, how its model outcomes are transformed to policy recommendations for the board, and the setting and interactions of individual models.

Kubicek expects evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in its inflation-targeting policy framework as a result.

Reporting by Jan Lopatka; Editing by Alexander Smith


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