Az XM nem nyújt szolgáltatásokat az Amerikai Egyesült Államok lakosai számára.



BlackRock-led investors in Aramco pipelines hire banks for bond sale

BlackRock-led investors in Aramco pipelines hire banks for bond sale By Yousef Saba DUBAI, July 16 (Reuters) - BlackRock-led BLK.N investors in Saudi Aramco's 2223.SE gas pipelines network have hired banks to arrange investor meetings ahead of a potential sale of bonds, a bank document showed on Tuesday, to refinance a loan that backed their stake purchase .

Dollar falls vs. yen, global stock index up, with focus on rate cuts

GLOBAL MARKETS-Dollar falls vs. yen, global stock index up, with focus on rate cuts Currency markets edgy after suspected yen interventions PPI comes in higher than expected but CPI still the focus Wall Street indexes rally >1%, MSCI ACWI hits record Updates prices after U.S. market close By Sinéad Carew and Naomi Rovnick NEW YORK/LONDON, July 12 (Reuters) - The dollar fell sharply against the yen for the second straight day, raising questions as to whether Japan was intervening, while a global

Yen hits four-week high, intervention questions circulate

FOREX-Yen hits four-week high, intervention questions circulate Updated at 1500 EDT By Karen Brettell and Amanda Cooper NEW YORK/LONDON, July 12 (Reuters) - The yen hit an almost four-week high against the U.S. dollar on Friday, raising speculation that Japanese authorities may have intervened for a second day to prop up the currency. The rally in the Japanese currency JPY=EBS , which has been languishing at around 38-year lows, began on Thursday just after data showed U.S.

Yen hits four-week high, intervention questions circulate

FOREX-Yen hits four-week high, intervention questions circulate Updated at 1130 EDT By Karen Brettell and Amanda Cooper NEW YORK/LONDON, July 12 (Reuters) - The yen hit an almost four-week high against the U.S. dollar on Friday, raising speculation that Japanese authorities may have intervened for a second day to prop up the currency. The rally in the Japanese currency JPY=EBS , which has been languishing at around 38-year lows, began on Thursday just after data showed U.S.

INSTANT Yen briefly jumps, sparking suspicions of Japan intervention

INSTANT VIEW 2-Yen briefly jumps, sparking suspicions of Japan intervention Adds comments July 12 (Reuters) - The yen jumped briefly against the dollar on Friday, putting traders on alert for signs of fresh intervention by Japanese authorities, who likely stepped in the previous day to prop up a currency still close to its lowest in 38 years. The dollar fell as much as 1% to a one-month low of 157.30 yen JPY=EBS , but pared some of those losses to trade down 0.35% at 158.28 yen.

Yen jumps, traders wary of more Japan intervention

INSTANT VIEW-Yen jumps, traders wary of more Japan intervention July 12 (Reuters) - The yen jumped against the dollar on Friday , with traders on high alert for signs of fresh intervention by authorities, after a surge in the Japanese currency on Thursday that was likely the result of official buying. The dollar fell as much as 1% to a one-month low of 157.30 yen JPY=EBS , while the euro EURJPY=EBS was down 0.3% at 172.04 yen.

INSTANT Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells

INSTANT VIEW 6-Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells Adds comment, updates quote in paragraph 11 July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen surged nearly 3% on Thursday in its biggest daily rise since late 2022, a move that local media attributed to a round of official buying to prop up a currency that has languished at 38-year lows. The dollar dropped to as low as 157.40 JPY=EBS , straight after data showed U.S.consumer inflation cooled more than expected in June.

Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June

FOREX-Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June Updated at 1500 EDT By Karen Brettell July 11 (Reuters) - The dollar dropped on Thursday after data showed headline consumer prices unexpectedly fell in June, while a sharp gain in the Japanese yen sparked speculation of a possible intervention in the currency . The yen rose more than 2% at one point, after falling to a 38-year low against the greenback last week.

INSTANT Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells

INSTANT VIEW 5-Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells Adds comments July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen surged nearly 3% on Thursday in its biggest daily rise since late 2022, a move that local media attributed to a round of official buying to prop up a currency that has languished at 38-year lows. The dollar dropped to as low as 157.40 JPY=EBS , straight after data showed U.S.consumer inflation cooled more than expected in June.

Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June

FOREX-Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June Updated at 1040 EDT By Karen Brettell July 11 (Reuters) - The dollar dropped on Thursday after data showed headline consumer prices unexpectedly fell in June, with the Japanese yen at one point gaining more than 2% as traders priced in the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will begin cutting interest rates in September.

INSTANT Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells

INSTANT VIEW 4-Japanese yen surges, ringing intervention alarm bells Adds comments July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen surged nearly 3% on Thursday in its biggest daily rise since late 2022, a move that local media attributed to a round of official buying to prop up a currency that has languished at 38-year lows. The dollar dropped to as low as 157.40 JPY=EBS , straight after data showed U.S.consumer inflation cooled more than expected in June.

INSTANT Japanese yen surges, traders use soft inflation to punish dollar

INSTANT VIEW 3-Japanese yen surges, traders use soft inflation to punish dollar Adds comments July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen jumped by the most since late 2022 on Thursday, in a move traders said was most likely the result of dollar selling after a weak reading of U.S. consumer inflation, rather than official intervention from Tokyo authorities.

Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June

REFILE-FOREX-Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June Removes repeated word in the sixth paragraph By Karen Brettell July 11 (Reuters) - The dollar dropped on Thursday after data showed that headline consumer prices unexpectedly fell in June, with the Japanese yen at one point gaining more than 2% as traders priced in the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will begin cutting interest rates in September.

INSTANT Japanese yen surges, traders use soft inflation to punish dollar

INSTANT VIEW 2-Japanese yen surges, traders use soft inflation to punish dollar Adds comments July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen jumped by the most since late 2022 on Thursday, in a move traders said was most likely the result of dollar selling after a weak reading of U.S. consumer inflation, rather than official intervention from Tokyo authorities.

Japanese yen jumps after US data; traders still wary of intervention

INSTANT VIEW-Japanese yen jumps after US data; traders still wary of intervention July 11 (Reuters) - The Japanese yen jumped on Thursday, in a move traders said was most likely the result of dollar selling after a weak reading of U.S. consumer inflation, rather than official intervention from Tokyo authorities. The more than 2% jump in the yen following the monthly U.S.

UK Stocks-Factors to watch on July 10

UPDATE 1-UK Stocks-Factors to watch on July 10 Adds news items, updates futures July 10 (Reuters) - Britain's FTSE 100 .FTSE index is seen opening higher on Wednesday, with futures FFIc1 up 0 .2%. * BARRATT: Britain's Barratt Developments BDEV.L forecast an up to 7% fall in its homebuild targets for fiscal year 2025, as elevated mortgage rates and broader economic concerns hold back recovery in the country's housing sector.

UK Stocks-Factors to watch on July 10

UK Stocks-Factors to watch on July 10 July 10 (Reuters) - Britain's FTSE 100 .FTSE index is seen opening higher on Wednesday, with futures FFIc1 up 0.29%. * STANDARD CHARTERED: Standard Chartered Plc's STAN.L , crypto unit, Zodia Markets , is in talks to acquire billionaire hedge fund manager Alan Howard-backed Elwood Capital Management's OTC business, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.

StanChart's crypto unit in talks to buy Alan Howard-backed firm, Bloomberg reports

UPDATE 1-StanChart's crypto unit in talks to buy Alan Howard-backed firm, Bloomberg reports Changes media packaging code to ELWOOD CAPITAL-M&A/STANDARD CHARTERED from STANDARD CHARTERED-M&A/, adds response from companies in last paragraph July 9 (Reuters) - Standard Chartered Plc's 2888.HK , STAN.L crypto unit, Zodia Markets, is in talks to acquire billionaire hedge fund manager Alan Howard-backed Elwood Capital Management's OTC business, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.

Standard Chartered's crypto unit in talks to buy Alan Howard-backed firm, Bloomberg reports

Standard Chartered's crypto unit in talks to buy Alan Howard-backed firm, Bloomberg reports July 9 (Reuters) - Standard Chartered Plc's 2888.HK , STAN.L crypto unit, Zodia Markets, is in talks to acquire billionaire hedge fund manager Alan Howard-backed Elwood Capital Management's OTC business, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday, citing people with knowledge of the matter.

Cryptoverse: Traders hold breath for ether ETF fever

Cryptoverse: Traders hold breath for ether ETF fever Repeats for additional subscribers By Hannah Lang July 9 (Reuters) - Ether might be coming close to its moment in the sun. The world's No.2 cryptocurrency has remained in the wings this year as big brother bitcoin soared to all-time highs on the back of new U.S. exchange-traded funds meant to track its price.


Népszerű eszközök

Felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat: Az XM Group entitásai csak végrehajtási szolgáltatást és online kereskedési platformunkhoz való hozzáférést biztosítanak, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók megtekinthessék és/vagy felhasználhassák a honlapon vagy azon keresztül elérhető tartalmakat, amelyek nem módosíthatók és nem egészíthetők ki. A hozzáférés és felhasználás mindig a következők függvénye: (i) Felhasználási feltételek; (ii) Kockázati figyelmeztetés; valamint (iii) Teljes felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat. Az ilyen tartalmakat ezért csupán általános információként biztosítjuk. Külön felhívjuk figyelmét arra, hogy az online kereskedési platformunkon található tartalmak nem felhívások vagy ajánlatok tranzakciókba történő belépésre a pénzügyi piacokon. A pénzügyi piacokon folytatott kereskedés jelentős kockázattal jár a tőkéjére nézve.

Az online kereskedési platformunkon közzétett anyagok kizárólag oktatási / tájékoztatási célt szolgálnak, és nem tartalmaznak (nem tekinthető úgy, hogy tartalmaznak) pénzügyi, befektetési adóügyi vagy kereskedési tanácsokat vagy ajánlásokat, illetve kereskedési áraink jegyzékét, vagy bármilyen pénzügyi instrumentummal végrehajtott tranzakcióra vonatkozó ajánlatot vagy felhívást, vagy Önnek szóló kéretlen pénzügyi promóciókat.

Az ezen a honlapon szereplő, külső felektől származó, valamint az XM által készített tartalmak, például vélemények, hírek, kutatások, elemzések, árak és egyéb információk vagy külső felek oldalaira utaló hivatkozások „jelenlegi állapotukban”, általános piaci magyarázatként jelennek meg, és nem minősülnek befektetési tanácsnak. Amennyiben bármely tartalom befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatásként értelmezhető, meg kell értenie és el kell fogadnia, hogy a tartalom nem a befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatás függetlenségének előmozdítására szolgáló jogi követelmények szerint készült, következésképpen a vonatkozó törvények és jogszabályok szerint marketingkommunikációnak minősül. Kérjük, feltétlenül olvassa el és értse meg a fenti információkkal kapcsolatos „nem független befektetéskutatással kalcsolatos tájékoztatónkat” és a kockázati figyelmeztetésünket, amelyek itt érhetők el.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD összetett eszköz, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen veszteség jelentős kockázatával jár. Ennél a szolgáltatónál a lakossági befektetői számlák 73.91%-án veszteség keletkezik a CFD-kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését és hogy megengedheti-e magának a veszteség magas kockázatát. Kérjük, olvassa el a kockázati figyelmeztetés erre vonatkozó részleteit.