Weak rupee, fresh supply push India prices to 15-month low
Repeats Oct. 31 story with no changes to text
New season supplies bringing down paddy prices - India trader
Vietnam and Thai traders wait for Bulog’s decision
Bangladesh considering further reduction on rice import tariffs - officials
By Ashitha Shivaprasad
Oct 31 (Reuters) -Rice export prices in India extended losses this week to hit their lowest level in 15 months, due to depreciation in the rupee and rising supplies.
Top exporter India's 5% broken parboiled variety RI-INBKN5-P1 was quoted at $442-$449 per ton, the lowest since July 20, 2023 and down from the last week's $450-$484. Indian 5% broken white rice was quoted $449-$455 per ton.
The competition among rice-exporting countries has intensified after India's export duty move - demand remains strong, but buyers are seeking rice at a lower price, said a New-Delhi based trader.
Indian exporters were lowering prices because of depreciation in rupee and as new season supplies are bringing down paddy prices, he added.
Earlier this month, India scrapped the export tax on parboiled rice and removed the floor price for the export of non-basmati white rice to boost exports.
Elsewhere, Bangladesh is considering a further reduction in tariffs on rice imports as local prices continue to soar, officials said.
Despite recent allowances, which lowered tariffs, traders have shown limited interest, primarily due to high import costs exceeding 65 Taka ($0.5462) per kg. In response, officials are proposing to lower the tariff to 5% to encourage more private sector involvement and to alleviate the burden on consumers facing high prices.
Meanwhile, Thailand's 5% broken rice RI-THBKN5-P1 slipped for a second consecutive week to $485-$495 per tonne, down from last week's $510. Traders attributed the fall to a weaker baht and currency fluctuations.
Recently, with Thai rice being cheaper than Vietnam rice, it stands a chance of winning an auction from Indonesia, said a Bangkok-based trader.
Indonesian state purchasing agency Bulog had issued an international tender to buy 500,000 metric tons of rice.
Vietnam's 5% broken rice RI-VNBKN5-P1 were offered at $520-$525, versus last week's $532, traders based in the Mekong Delta region, the country's rice bowl said.
"Traders are waiting for Indonesia’s Bulog's decision. Successful bidders are scheduled to be announced on November 3," said a trader.
Reporting by Rajendra Jadhav in Mumbai, Ruma Paul in Bangladesh, Chayut Setboonsarng in Bangkok and Phuong Nguyen in Hanoi; Editing by Krishna Chandra Eluri
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