Europe lacks scope for fiery Trump trade riposte
The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.
By Neil Unmack
LONDON, Nov 8 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Europe has few easy ways to tame Donald Trump. The return of a self-styled tariff man in the White House makes the prospect of blanket levies on transatlantic trade a real scenario. The European Union’s vast trade surplus with the United States, and its reliance on it for key goods like gas, limit the scope for a tit-for-tat response.
Trump’s next assault on Europe is still unclear, but he has talked of a 10% blanket levy, as well as more targeted measures against cars. While China is a bigger concern, Trump seethes at the sight of Europe’s $534 billion of exports to the U.S. in 2023, some of which lie in areas that could easily be replaced by American companies. Vehicles other than trains accounted for over a tenth of total EU exports to the U.S. last year, and the bloc had sizable surpluses in beverages and leather goods.
Europe could hit back, targeting the $370 billion of goods the U.S. exported to Europe in 2023. It could respond in kind: despite Trump’s fury at Mercedes-Benz imports, the United States still exported some $20 billion of cars and other vehicles to the bloc that year. And it could target areas where the U.S. enjoys a trade surplus, such as fruit, nuts, art or even precious stones. Yet Europe also imports a lot of critical goods that are hard to replace, or would simply be more expensive with tariffs: drugs, aircraft and fuel account for over a third of goods sourced from the U.S. in 2023.
Moreover, fighting back will be made harder by the unbalanced nature of Europe’s trade. Nearly a third of EU exports to the U.S. are German, thanks to the biggest EU economy’s strengths in luxury cars and industrial goods. As a result, Germany could face a hit worth 0.23% of GDP, London School of Economics researchers reckon, whereas the bloc as a whole will suffer less than half that. Berlin’s efforts to coordinate a trade war will also be hampered by political turmoil, and the fact that while Porsche exports most of its cars to the United States the likes of BMW are less vulnerable. Some countries like Italy may even benefit from tariffs if they can replace Chinese exports to the U.S.
One alternative riposte is to offer to import more U.S. goods as a carrot to avoid tariffs. The bloc this year only relied on the United States for 19% of its total gas needs. NATO countries could pledge to boost military spending – another Trump bugbear – via buying American. At less than $2 billion of goods in 2023, the bloc has ample capacity to ramp up imports of guns, ammunition and explosives. Giving Trump an easy win sounds easier than squaring up to him.
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Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S. in a Nov. 5 national poll. Trump has pledged to raise tariffs on all the United States’ trading partners, as well as imposing specific levies on imported cars.
Graphic: The US trade deficit with Europe
Editing by George Hay and Oliver Taslic
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