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Danone’s yogurt bounty can spur M&A spree

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Jennifer Johnson

LONDON, Oct 24 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Danone DANO.PA has found a rare, sweet spot for consumer goods groups. The $47 billion dairy specialist is consistently hitting its sales targets and maintaining volumes, unlike rival Nestlé NESN.S. With its comparatively healthy offering playing well with consumers and a strong balance sheet, CEO Antoine de Saint-Affrique can afford to splurge.

The maker of Evian water and Activia yogurts has been on a winning streak of late. Back in February de Saint-Affrique announced plans to raise the dividend after the company delivered record free cash flow of 2.3 billion euros in 2023. On Thursday, Danone reported third-quarter sales were up 4.2% to nearly 7 billion euros, versus the same period last year. Though the dairy business contributed almost half of this total figure, the specialised nutrition division shined the brightest, with revenue up 5.2%.

De Saint-Affrique’s turnaround is clearly working. Since taking the helm in 2021 he has sold off two underperforming U.S. organic dairy businesses and promised to pivot further into high-protein and gut health categories. Thursday’s figures represent the sixth consecutive quarter of volume growth for Danone.

This success has also smartened up Danone’s balance sheet. At the end of June, Danone had 10 billion euros of net debt, or roughly twice its expected EBITDA for 2024, meaning it could make a 5 billion euro purchase and its leverage would still be comparable to Nestlé’s.

So far, de Saint-Affrique has been cautious on the deal front. The company attempted a further move into the gut-related dairy space in September with a $283 million bid for the remaining stake in U.S. kefir maker Lifeway Foods LWAY.O. Danone already owned 25% of the company. However, the French group can afford to be bolder and go after targets for its specialised nutrition business, which makes infant formula and foods for people with medical needs.

Danone's valuation suggests investors increasingly believe in dairy. The group trades on 17 times its expected earnings for 2024, a boost from last year when it traded on just 14.5 times. It is also closing the gap between Nestlé and Unilever ULVR.L which trade on 18 and 19 times, respectively. To close the remaining gap, Danone should find some appetising targets.

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Danone on Oct. 24 reported a 4.2% rise in third-quarter like-for-like sales to 6.8 billion euros ($7.36 billion), exceeding analysts' expectations of a 3.9% rise in a company-compiled consensus.

Sales volumes rose by 3.6% in the third quarter, compared to a 2.9% increase expected by analysts polled in a company-provided consensus.

Europe remained the group’s biggest market in the third quarter, with 2.4 billion euros of sales, while North American revenue was up almost 6% on a like-for-like basis to 1.6 billion euros.

The world's largest yoghurt maker kept its forecast for 2024 like-for-like sales growth of between 3% and 5%, with a moderate improvement in recurring operating margin.

Shares in Danone were up 2.8% by 0859 GMT on Oct. 24.

The valuation gap is narrowing between Europe's consumer health giants

Editing by Aimee Donnellan and Streisand Neto


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