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Bidders poke holes in Japan's fair M&A push

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. Updates to add graphic and hyperlinks.

By Anshuman Daga

SINGAPORE, Oct 21 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Japan's Seven & i 3382.T and Fuji Soft 9749.T are eachresisting generous takeover approaches from Canada's Alimentation Couche-Tard ATD.TO and private equity firm Bain Capital. The bidders are hitting up against the limits of Tokyo'sfair merger and acquisition guidelines, and that is a problem for policymakers trying to unlock efficiencies in the $4 trillion economy.

The guidelines, set out in 2023, ask targets to seriously consider offersthat can deliver shareholder value and are feasible. Couche-Tard and Bain have presented proposals that largely fulfil those criteria but both suitors are struggling to make progress with their desired deals.

Sure, initially playing hard-to-get helped Seven & i. Couche-Tard this month upped the amount it indicated it can pay for Seven & i's equity to $47 billion, a 55% premium to the undisturbed share price. Despite the compelling sum, Couche-Tard Chair Alain Bouchard told Bloomberg in an interview in Tokyo last week that he was unable to secure a meeting with the Japanese retailer's management.Instead, Seven & i is doubling down on an uninspiring plan to restructure the convenience store owner.

Meanwhile, a year-long battle between buyout firms to control Fuji Soft intensified this month.The software firm's founder Hiroshi Nozawa urged the board to call off support for a $3.9 billion agreed deal with KKR KKR.N in favour of Bain's 7% higher offer which is conditional on the board's support. Yet Fuji Soft's tardiness in warming up to Bain has allowed KKR to secure a 33% stake in the first phase of a dual-stage tender offer.

The obvious solution would be for bidders to promptly take their proposals directly to shareholders. But turning directly hostile on their targets would risk alienating the Japanese management of companies, often-lifetime employees, upon whom they would continue to depend to run the businesses.

Though unsolicited deals are starting to pop up in Japan, the targets involved remain small and the perceived cultural barriers are high. If Couche-Tard walks away, as it has done from other deals, Seven & i stock will crash; scepticism that a hostile deal will materialise is one reason the stock is trading 17% below the Canadian company's indicative offer.

Japan's fair M&A guidelines are just that, guidelines. Much like Japan Exchange's attempt to shame listed companies into disclosing plans to enhance shareholder value, such initiatives lack teeth. Bidders ought to tread cautiously.

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Fuji Soft founder and shareholder Hiroshi Nozawa said in a letter on Oct. 17 that he supports Bain Capital's takeover approach for the Japanese software developer.

Bain says it is willing to pay 9,450 yen a share for Fuji Soft, outbidding the per share value of the target's $3.9 billion agreed deal with KKR by about 7%. Fuji Soft's board has backed KKR's first phase of its dual-stage tender offer and said that Bain's potential offer was also under consideration. KKR has secured a nearly 33% stake in the software firm.

Separately, Alimentation Couche-Tard's Chair Alain Bouchard on a visit to Tokyo told Bloomberg in an interview on Oct 17 that the Canadian retailer was not granted an audience with the management of Seven & i. The company has indicated it can pay $47 billion for the convenience store owner, 55% more than the 7-Eleven owner's undisturbed market capitalisation on Aug. 16.

Graphic: Seven & i's value shoots up on Couche-Tard's proposal

Editing by Una Galani and Aditya Srivastav


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