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Kenyan, Nigerian and Zambian currencies seen steady

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NAIROBI, Oct 3 (Reuters) -The Kenyan, Nigerian and Zambian currencies are expected to be broadly steady against the dollar in the next week to Thursday, while Ghana's is forecast to weaken and Ugandan's could strengthen, traders said.


Kenya's shilling KES= is expected to hold stable, with few factors available to tilt it in either direction.

Commercial banks quoted the shilling at 128.50/129.50 per dollar, the same as last Thursday's closing rate.

"I'm not expecting much for this particular week. There are no major tax payments, which usually affect FX flows. Nothing much different from the previous rates that we've been seeing," a trader at one commercial bank said.


Nigeria's naira is expected to trade at current levels on the official market next week, and could strengthen on the parallel market as demand pressure eased after the central bank's sale of dollars to exchange bureaus.

LSEG data showed the naira at 1,657 to the dollar in intraday trading on Thursday NGN=D1, compared with around 1,690 a week earlier. It was quoted at 1,675 on the parallel market NGNP= on Thursday from around 1,700 a week ago.

"The impact of the central bank's dollar sale have reduced volatility, especially on the parallel market, which may help maintain current exchange rate," one trader said.

"The introduction of the naira-for-crude deal is also expected to enhance demand for the naira, potentially supporting its value," he added.


Ghana's cedi GHS= is likely to extend its recent losses next week on firm forex demand from importers in the manufacturing and commerce sectors.

LSEG data showed the cedi trading at 15.78 to the dollar versus 15.70 a week ago.

"We expect a stronger dollar against the cedi in the coming week as the central bank has paused its open market operations and is mopping up less cedi liquidity from the money market," one trader said.

"Furthermore, real sector FX demand from the manufacturing and commerce sectors remains firm," the trader added.

Chris Nettey, head of trading at Stanbic Bank Ghana, said the cedi could regain relative stability on the central bank's ongoing forward auctions.


The Ugandan shilling UGX= is projected to strengthen in the coming days, bolstered by robust hard currency inflows from remittances.

Commercial banks at 0920 GMT quoted the shilling at 3,658/3,668, an improvement from last Thursday's close of 3,687/3,697.

"In the last quarter we typically see a surge in remittance flows...we anticipate that season should start to unfold in the coming days," said a trader at one commercial bank.

He said the local unit would likely strengthen to 3,600-3,650 levels against the dollar in the coming week.

Year-to-date, the local unit has appreciated by 3.2% against the dollar, according to data from the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG).


The kwacha ZMW= is likely to hold steady next week due to tight monetary policy and improved foreign exchange supply from the mining sector.

On Thursday, the currency of Africa's second largest copper producer was quoted at 26.2000 per dollar from 26.3860 a week ago.

Bank of Zambia deputy governor Francis Chipimo said at a post-budget meeting this week that progress in external debt restructuring and recent reforms in the foreign exchange market have also supported the local currency.

Reporting by Sonia Rao, Chris Mfula, Christian Akorlie, Elias Biryabarema and Elisha Bala-Gbogbo
Editing by Bate Felix


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