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What to Watch in the Day Ahead - Wednesday, May 8

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The Day Ahead is an email and PDF publication that includes the day's major stories and events, analyses and other features. To receive The Day Ahead, Eikon users can register at DAY/US. Thomson One users can register at RT/DAY/US. All times in ET/GMT

Uber is expected to report a rise in March quarter revenue, helped by higher ride-share demand and growth in its advertising vertical. Investors will closely track progress in growth initiatives like UberX and Uber One subscriptions.

Arm Holdings will report results for the fourth quarter. Investors will look for demand indicators from smartphone and personal computer CPU providers and updates on its efforts to gain a share in the data center market.

AMC Entertainment is expected to report a drop in first-quarter revenue as actor and writer strikes in Hollywood last year affected the launch of many movies. Investors expect the company to comment on how the move to streaming and delayed launch of some movies would hurt revenue growth this year.

Airbnb will report its first-quarter earnings. The company is expected to report higher revenue due to increased international travel and cross-border bookings. Investors will be looking out for comments on the geographic mix and pricing of properties.

Emerson Electric is expected to post a higher second-quarter revenue and profit helped by demand for industrial automation.

The Commerce Department is scheduled to release revised U.S. wholesale inventories data which is expected to fall 0.4% in March, after increasing 0.5% in February.

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan Collins is scheduled to speak before students and faculty and participate in a fireside discussion before the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management's Challenges and Opportunities class in Cambridge. (1145/1500) Separately, Federal Reserve Board Governor Lisa Cook is expected to speak on "Financial Stability" before an event hosted by the Brookings Institution, in Washington. (1330/1730) Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Vice Chair Philip Jefferson is scheduled to participate virtually in a moderated discussion before the "Exploring Careers in Economics" event hosted by the Federal Reserve. (1100/1500)

Beyond Meat is expected to post a decline in first-quarter revenue, hurt by sluggish demand for its high-priced faux meat patties. Investors will look for comments on pricing actions, demand and annual forecasts.

Fox Corp is expected to report third-quarter advertising revenue above analysts’ estimates in the wake of major political and sports events like U.S. Presidential elections and the Summer Olympics.

News Corp is expected to report a slight increase in revenue in the third quarter, driven by growth in digital subscriptions.

The New York Times is expected to report a rise in first-quarter revenue, benefiting from higher subscriber additions for its bundle offerings.

Bumble is expected to report higher first quarter revenue. The company has launched its anticipated app refresh late last month to focus on Gen Z and women users, including a feature for women allowing them to set a question that their potential match could respond to. The investors will be looking for commentary about the company's efforts to attract new users amid economic uncertainty and sticky inflation as users are still spending cautiously.

HF Sinclair is expected to report a decline in earnings due to a fall in refining margins. Investors would be looking on commentary on demand and maintenance activities.

LNG developer New Fortress Energy to release its first quarter results before the market opens. The U.S. company is developing a 1.4 mpta LNG terminal off the coast of Altamira, Mexico, that would become the first LNG exporter in Mexico.

Wall Street expects a 22% surge in quarterly revenue for the Canadian e-commerce giant Shopify. Investors and analysts expect guidance for growth this year, which may be affected by a tough economy and still high interest rates.

Canadian pipeline operator Enbridge reports first-quarter results. Investors will be interested in the company's latest comments about rival Trans Mountain opening its pipeline expansion in May and the outlook for Enbridge to make small capacity expansions to the Mainline.

Fertilizer maker Nutrien is expected to post a fall in quarterly profit amid a price decline. Investors will be looking forward to any commentary on destocking as well as demand from North America.

Manulife Financial is set to report its first-quarter earnings. The largest Canadian insurer is expected to post a jump in profit.

On the Latin American front, the Brazilian Central Bank's rate-setting committee, known as Copom, is expected to cut the Selic benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to 10.50%. Separately, Brazil's inflation, as measured by the IGP-DI price index, is expected to have risen 0.72% in April, after declining of 0.30% in the month before. The country's retail sales data is scheduled and is expected to fall 0.1% in March, after rising 1% in February. On a year-on-year basis, retail sales supposedly gained 5.05% in March, after rising 8.2% in the month before. Separately, Chile's statistics agency INE is expected to report the country's monthly inflation numbers for April. Inflation is likely to rise 0.35% for the month, after gaining 0.40% in March. Meanwhile, Argentina's statistics agency, INDEC, is scheduled to report the country's industrial output figures.

Compiled by Anjana Jayakrishnan Nair in Bengaluru; Editing by Ravi Prakash Kumar


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