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Verizon bid for Frontier faces investor skepticism, sources say

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Deal 'significantly undervalues' Frontier, Cooper says in letter

Last month deal was 44% premium to 90-day weighted average

Frontier stock closes Tuesday at $35.71, $2.79 below offer

In update of Oct 14 story, adds details about another investor planning to vote against deal in paragraphs 5-7

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss

NEW YORK, Oct 14 (Reuters) - Someof Frontier Communications' FYBR.O largest shareholders are concerned about its planned $9.6 billion takeover by Verizon Communications VZ.N, with its second-largest investor planning to vote against the deal, three sources familiarwith the firm's plans said.

Glendon Capital Management, which owns nearly 10% of Frontier, believes Verizon's $38.50 per share offer is too low, the people said. With acquired debt, the deal would be worth $20 billion.

The investor plans to vote against it when the deal comes up for shareholder vote on Nov. 13, the sources said. A majority of outstanding shares need to vote in favor of the deal to be approved.

Separately, Cerberus Capital Management, which owns 7.3% of Frontier, has privately expressed its view that the Verizon purchase price dramatically undervalues Frontier, people familiar with the investment firm's thinking said. It was not immediately clear how the investment firm would vote. A spokesman for Cerberus declined to comment.

Smaller investors also protested the price, and said privately they were planning to reject the deal next month, several other sources said.

Australian investor Cooper Investors PTY Limited, which owns 800,000 shares, wrote to Frontier's board on Tuesday, telling the company it will vote against the deal and that it is encouraging others to do the same.

The deal "significantly undervalues" Frontier and "fails to adequately compensate stockholders for the anticipated synergies that would be created by the transaction," co-portfolio managers Geoffrey Di Felice and Marcus Guzzardi wrote in the letter seen by Reuters. They believe Frontier's "standalone value is 24-62% above the offer price."

Verizon and Frontier did not respond to a request for comment. The sources requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

When the deal was announced last month, it represented a 44% premium to Frontier's 90-day volume-weighted average share price. Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg called the acquisition "a strategic fit" that would allow the company to be more competitive in additional markets. Management has said the deal could take 18 months to close.

Frontier's stock closed on Tuesday at $35.71, $2.79 below the offer price.

Verizon announced the deal almost a year after activist investment firm Jana Partners said it had built a position in Frontier and was calling on the third-largest U.S. fiber broadband provider to sell itself.

For Verizon the acquisition would help it compete better against rivals AT&T T.N and T-Mobile TMUS.O as they double down on unlimited plans and bundling options.

The investors' views come as some research analysts have also said Verizon's price is low and that investors should wait because Frontier's assets will become more valuable over time.

"We think investors should refuse to vote in favor of the deal unless they receive a higher price," New Street Research analyst Jonathan Chaplin wrote in a report last week. The report said Verizon could "comfortably pay at least $67 and still create value for its shareholders."

Ares Management, Frontier's biggest investor with a 15.6% stake, declined to comment on its views about the price or how it may cast its vote next month.

Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss in New York; Editing by Matthew Lewis and David Gregorio


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