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Tariffs offer poor airbag for Europe’s carmageddon

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Neil Unmack

LONDON, July 15 (Reuters Breakingviews) -The cavalry has arrived, but try telling that to European carmakers. Volkswagen VOWG_p.DE, Renault RENA.PA and others still have miserable valuations despite Brussels threatening China with electric-vehicle penalties. The duties may not be big enough, and could even hurt Western players.

At first glance, Brussels’ provisional tariffs look like a lifeline for the European automotive industry. Electric vehicles (EVs) made in the Middle Kingdom accounted for 25% of sales in the continent during the year to September 2023, the European Commission reckons, compared with just 3.9% in 2020. That figure includes Chinese groups BYD 002594.SZ and SAIC Motor but also Western brands with manufacturing operations in the country, like Tesla TSLA.O and BMW BMWG.DE. China’s sheer scale and quick EV adoption help its marques, but their success also reflects government subsidies and cheap financing.

The announcement of tariffs has done nothing to brighten European carmakers’ prospects, at least in investors’ eyes. On average, Renault, Porsche, Stellantis STLAM.MI, Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz MBGn.DE are now worth just under 6 times forward earnings, per LSEG data, with Volkswagen worth less than 3 times. Those valuation multiples have barely budged since Europe first floated tariffs in September 2023. The sector’s total value has declined by around 6% since then, compared with a 13% increase in the STOXX Europe 600 Index.

One problem is that the tariffs may be too low, and poorly targeted. The provisional levies range from 17.4% to 37.6% on imports, depending on the level of perceived subsidy and how co-operative the European Commission deems individual carmakers to have been. Because the prevailing prices in Europe are substantially higher than in China, low-cost importers have a cushion to absorb tariffs. BYD, China’s and the world’s biggest EV maker, is only facing the low end of the tariff range. Analysts at Rhodium reckon it could sell key brands like the mass-market Dolphin range at a premium to Chinese prices, even after factoring in shipping costs and a 30% tariff.

The duties may also incentivise Chinese players to set up shop in Europe, or nearby. That might be welcome news for Hungary, Turkey and other low-cost economies, but not for European carmakers. Their Chinese competitors would be encroaching on their manufacturing turf, but with greater scale and access to cheap batteries. UBS analysts reckon BYD could still enjoy a 25% cost advantage over Western players by setting up in low-cost European economies.

The bigger problem, however, is that the tariffs may hurt the European groups as much as they help. Many carmakers manufacture vehicles in China and then bring them home, such as Renault’s Dacia brand and BMW’s iX3 – in fact, campaign group Transport & Environment reckons over half of China-made EVs sold in Europe emanate from Western carmakers. That means they will have to pay the bloc’s tariffs, but without the low-cost cushion enjoyed by BYD. The European importers could either pass on the costs to customers, which would hurt their market share, or cut imports from China, making it harder to meet European EV targets. Moreover, China is likely to retaliate. Reverse tariffs on European imports could hurt firms, like Porsche and BMW, that send high-end vehicles to China.

Brussels, and other governments, could go further. One option is to impose yet more tariffs to penalise Chinese players, such as targeting batteries imported from China. Yet that might stymie the EU’s drive to decarbonise transport, given the continent’s dependence on Chinese technology. Another is to introduce bigger and more explicit subsidies for European carmakers and battery supply chains. Yet that just risks a more aggressive Chinese response.

More radically still, Europe could row back on its green targets, such as its ambition to phase out combustion engine cars by 2035. Counterintuitively, that could help Western players weather competition in EVs by preserving their profitability. But it would leave a big dent in the continent’s plan to cut overall emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. Moreover, carmakers could delay investing in greening their fleets, and end up even further behind China. Europe may be reaching the limits of what it can do.

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The European Commission on July 4 announced provisional tariffs for electric vehicles imported to Europe from China.

As part of its anti-subsidy investigation, the European Commission will impose countervailing duties ranging between 17.4% and 37.6% of the price of an electric vehicle imported from China. BYD, the Middle Kingdom’s largest EV exporter, will face the lowest tariff of 17.4%.

Graphic: European carmarkers forward price earnings ratio

Graphic: Carmakers stock performance

Editing by George Hay and Oliver Taslic


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