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Possible Trump second term, weak commodity prices weigh on Latam FX

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Brazil's economic activity up in May despite flood tragedy

Mexico's Mejia says rate cuts should be gradual

Peru cenbank sees economy growing 4% in second quarter

Argentina to sell dollars on parallel market

Updated at 3:35 p.m. ET/1935 GMT

By Johann M Cherian

July 15 (Reuters) -Mexico's peso led declines across Latin American currencies on Monday, as investor expectations on the likelihood of a second term for former U.S. President Donald Trump and declines in commodity prices fanned the risk-off mood.

The currency of the second-largest economy in the region, Mexico MXN= depreciated close to 1%, as Trump cementshis hold on his Republican Party at its 2024 convention this week, having survived an assassination attempt.

The former U.S. president's policies on trade protectionism and against illegal immigrationare seen as negative for emerging markets.

"The most exposed country in terms of risks relative to the current condition is Mexico, given issues on trade where Mexico has overtaken China in terms of bilateral trade balance and the issue of immigration on southern border as well as security," said Olga Yangol, head of EM research & strategy at Credit Agricole.

Elsewhere, Banxico Deputy Governor Omar Mejia's comments on gradual adjustments to the local benchmark interest rate did little to support the currency, as per a report.

Brazil's real BRL= slipped 0.3% to 5.44 per dollar. Economic activity in the region's largest economy increased by a seasonally adjusted 0.25% in May from the previous month, showing resilience despite severe flooding in the country's southernmost state during the period.

The world's largest copper exporter, Chile's peso CLP= weakened 0.4%, as prices of the red metal lost its shine after economic growth data from top consumer China weighed on demand outlook. MET/L

Oil exporter Colombia's COP= peso shed 0.4%, as crude prices slipped. O/R

Peru's sol PEN= inched up 0.2% in thin trades, after touching nearly two-month highs in the previous session. The local central bank said it expects second-quarter annualized Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth to land around 4% and around 5% for the month of May, returning to growth after the economy fell into a technical recession last year.

Most South American currencies are down so far this year against the dollar as a combination of local interest rate cuts, firmer dollar as the Federal Reserve has held back from cutting rates and regional political jitters decreased the appeal for the traditionally risky assets.

On the equities front, MSCI's index tracking local bourses .MILA00000PUS slipped 0.1%, with Mexican stocks .MXX down about 1%.

Argentina's peso ARSB= strengthened more than 7% in parallel trade, while the MerVal stock index .MERV dropped over 11%. The Javier Milei-led government said the local central bank will start selling U.S. dollars in the country's parallel foreign exchange markets in an effort to combat inflation and freeze the country's money supply.

Key Latin American stock indexes and currencies:


Daily % change

MSCI Emerging Markets .MSCIEF






Brazil Bovespa .BVSP



Mexico IPC .MXX






Argentina MerVal .MERV








Daily % change

Brazil real BRBY



Mexico peso MXN=D2



Chile peso CLP=CL



Colombia peso COP=



Peru sol PEN=PE



Argentina peso (interbank) ARS=RASL



Argentina peso (parallel) ARSB=



Reporting by Johann M Cherian and Shashwat Chauhan in Bengaluru; editing by David Evans and Alistair Bell


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