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Olympics-Soccer, rugby, kick off Games ahead of opening ceremony

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PARIS, July 24 (Reuters) -The sporting action at the Paris Olympics kicked off with two soccer matches on Wednesday, two days before thousands of athletes and artists are set to take part in an ambitious opening ceremony at the heart of the French capital.

After years of preparation, and as more than 10,000 athletes are getting ready for their shot at one of the 329 gold medals that will be up for grabs in 19 days of competition, the first two events of the Paris Games kicked off at 3pm (1300 GMT).

Spain's men's team faced Uzbekistan at Parc des Princes in Paris while Argentina, who won the title in 2004 and 2008, played Morocco in the eastern city of Saint-Etienne.

Spain's teenage sensation Lamine Yamal is not playing at the Olympics, after deciding he needed a rest following his first full season as a senior professional.

Six more men's soccer games were scheduled later in the day, including hosts France playing the United States at 9pm. France won the title in 1984 in Los Angeles.

Before that, Israel's opening Olympic soccer match against Mali is set to be a first security test for the Games. France will deploy thousands of police officers to secure it amid pronounced security concerns and heightened geopolitical tensions, including over Israel's war in Gaza.

Rugby Sevens is also on the menu on Wednesday, with French global star Antoine Dupont elevating the host country's hopes of a gold medal after their heartbreaking failure at the XVs World Cup last year. France play the U.S. at 4.30pm and then Uruguay at 8pm.

Handball and archery will make their own debut at the Paris Games on Thursday, and shooting on Friday, before floating parades of athletes and artists on the river Seine take part in the Games' first ever opening ceremony outside a stadium.

Organisers said the ceremony, protected by 45,000 police and thousands more military, would be a daring, joyful show.


Dozens of boats will carry athletes and performers on a 6km route along the Seine. More than 300,000 spectators will be watching from the riverbanks, with hundreds of millions more expected to watch on TV or on social media.

Details including some of the artists taking part, who will last carry the torch and light the Olympic cauldron to mark the start of the Games, have been kept secret, and the ceremony's artistic team said they had been rehearsing in private to keep it all under wraps.

But what is known is that there will be a floating parade, departing from Austerlitz bridge, sailing by Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral and arriving near the Eiffel Tower, with the show also using nearby monuments and mixing music, light and dance.

Sightings in Paris of Canadian singer Celine Dion, who last year cancelled the European stretch of a world tour over a rare medical condition, have kicked off rumours that she could be taking part in the opening ceremony.

French Sports Minister Amelie Oudea-Castera said Dion's presence in Paris was not a coincidence. In an interview with TF1 TV she declined to say if Dion - best known for the "Titanic" movie theme song "My Heart Will Go On" - would sing, adding that there were "many possible roles" one could play in an opening ceremony.

Meanwhile, the start of the Games was marred by a scandal over video footage that led to Britain's joint-most decorated female Olympian Charlotte Dujardin pulling out of the Paris Games.

The video shows Dujardin whipping a horse'slegs multiple times.

French police have arrested a Russian man suspected of planning to destabilise the Olympics, the Paris prosecutor's office said on Wednesday, which could take the form of disinformation or other types of attack.

Five Australian women's water polo players have tested positive for COVID-19, the country's Olympic team chief Anna Meares said on Wednesday. Meares added that the cases were confined to the water polo team.

France is set to host the Winter Games six years after the Summer Olympics, after it was conditionally picked as host for the 2030 event on Wednesday. Salt Lake City was awarded the 2034 Winter Olympics.

Writing by Ingrid Melander
Editing by Christian Radnedge


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