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Olympics-Gymnastics-Biles soars high during team final in pursuit of fifth Olympic gold

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Biles withdrew from Tokyo Olympics team final due to 'twisties'

U.S. topped qualifications for Paris Games team final

Biles is the most decorated gymnast in history

Recasts after Biles competes on vault

By Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber and Karen Braun

PARIS, July 30 (Reuters) -Simone Biles made her long-anticipated return to the women's gymnastics team final at the Paris Olympics on Tuesday, where she is in pursuitof afifth Olympic gold medal for the United States, and dispel memories of her abrupt withdrawal from the event at the Tokyo Games.

A poised Biles began on the vault and soared high through the air as she performed the Cheng to earn 14.900 points, the highest score on the apparatus during the first rotation.

Biles, the most decorated gymnast of all-time, made a dazzling comeback on theOlympic stage on Sunday when she propelled the U.S. to the top of the team qualifying standings. The American also toppedthe all-around qualifying standings as well as for the floorexercise and vault apparatus finals.

At the start of Tuesday's meet, Biles appeared so focused on competing that she emerged from the tunnel and headed straight towards the team's bench instead of pausing for the team's introduction by venue announcers. After being stopped in her tracks by her teammates, a sheepish Biles took a few steps back, and beamed a big smile as the crowd let out a deafening roar when her name was announced.

Biles is set to compete on all four apparatus in the team finalalongside teammate Jordan Chiles, who recorded a solid 14.400 points on the vault.

Sunisa Lee, who won the all around title in Tokyo, will appear on uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise.

Jade Carey, the reigning Olympic floor champion, would normally have been on the apparatusinstead of Lee but the 24-year-old struggled in her qualifying performance as she was feeling ill. On the vault, Carey recorded a solid 14.800.

The 27-year-old Biles is competing in her third Olympics after she unexpectedly pulled out from the team final at the Tokyo Games as she was suffering from the "twisties", a condition involving temporary loss of spatial awareness experienced by gymnasts while performing high-difficulty elements.

Biles also withdrew from the all-around and a number of apparatus finals in Tokyo, raising questions about whether she would ever set foot in an Olympic arena again.

With her health in the spotlight, Biles caused jitters among her vast fan base on Sunday when she briefly left the competition area after performing on her first apparatus, the balance beam, having re-aggravated a left calf injury.

Biles, who was competing on Tuesday with her calf taped, seemed to experience no discomfort during the vault.

The U.S. is facing seven other countries in the team final: Italy, China, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Britain and Romania.

Reporting by Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber, Karen Braun, Chang-Ran Kim and Rory Carroll; Editing by Pritha Sarkar


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