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Oil rebounds, gains 1% after US crude draw, lukewarm inflation data

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Updates to settlement

By Scott DiSavino

NEW YORK, May 15 (Reuters) - Oilprices rose nearly 1% onWednesday froma two-month low in the prior session as the market balanced bullish U.S. economic and crude storagedata against the International Energy Agency's (IEA)forecast for weaker global oil demand growth.

Brent futures LCOc1 rose 37 cents, or 0.5%, to settle at $82.75 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) CLc1 gained 61 cents, or 0.8%, to end at $78.63.

That cut the premium of Brent over WTI WTCLc1-LCOc1 to its lowest since March 28. A narrower premium makes it less profitable for energy companies to send vessels to the U.S. to pick up crude cargoes for export.

Earlierin the session, the bearishIEA report helped push both benchmarks into technically oversold territory with prices at their lowest since February. On Tuesday, both benchmarks closed at their lowest since March 12.

Prices reversed direction after U.S. data showeda bigger-than-expected crude drawdownand lukewarm inflation that fueledexpectations of a cut ininterest rates later this year.

U.S. crude inventories last week fell 2.5 million barrels, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said, much more than the 500,000-barrel draw forecast in a Reuters poll. EIA/S

"The crude oil draw is mostly from the increase in the refinery utilization rate ... Refiners finally got serious about that, finally cranked it up a bit," Bob Yawger, director of energy futures at Mizuho told Reuters.

U.S.consumer prices increased less than expected in April, suggesting that inflation resumed its downward trend at the start of the second quarter in a boost to financial market expectations the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) will cut interest rates in September.

Lower interest rates would reduce borrowing costs for businesses and consumers and could spur economic growth and demand for oil.

With the Fed expectedto cut interest rates later this year, the U.S. dollar .DXY fell to a five-week low against a basket of other currencies. A weaker dollar can boost demand as the greenback-denominated commodity becomesless expensive to buy inother currencies.

The IEA trimmed its forecast for 2024 oil demand growth, widening the gap with producer group OPEC in terms of expectations for this year's global demand outlook.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies like Russia, a group known as OPEC+, is likely to hold its June 1 oil policy meeting online, four OPEC+ sources said, rather than in Vienna as currently scheduled.

InCanada, meanwhile, favorable winds are expected to push a major wildfire away from the oil sands city of Fort McMurray, officials said, less than a day after 6,000 people were ordered to leave.

Fort McMurray is the hub for Canada's oil sands output. A huge wildfire in 2016 forced the evacuation of 90,000 residents and shut in more than 1 million barrels per day of output.

Reporting by Scott DiSavino in New York and Noah Browning in London; Additional reporting by Laila Kearney in New York, Katya Golubkova in Tokyo and Emily Chow in Singapore; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Bill Berkrot


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