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Musk’s China jaunt keeps underwhelming status quo

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Jonathan Guilford

NEW YORK, April 30 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Elon Musk has won some breathing room. The boss of electric automaker Tesla’s TSLA.O surprise weekend visit to Chinese premier Li Qiang may pave the way for its assisted-driving technology to roll out in the country. Tesla’s stock soared as a result, adding $82 billion to its market value on Monday. That’s out of proportion to even optimistic possible financial benefits. Still, any sign that Musk may not be marginalized in the market he helped build is welcome.

Tesla has been wanting for sunny headlines. Between the first and last quarters of 2023, the company’s market share in China slumped from 10.5% to 6.7%. That mirrors what’s happened elsewhere, but China is particularly crucial: It is Earth’s largest market, responsible for a fifth of Tesla’s sales. And the company’s Shanghai plant exports cars worldwide. Wedbush analysts think that production there accounts for a substantial portion of the $580 billion company’s earnings.

So China has been good to Musk – even setting aside tax breaks for its facilities. But the expertise that Tesla helped disseminate has boosted homegrown rivals. BYD 002594.SZ, 1211.HK is jockeying to become the world’s top electric-vehicle seller; prices are under $10,000. That pressure is spreading globally: Tesla’s revenue per car has fallen by 22% from its 2022 peak.

Meanwhile, regulatory restrictions banning its cars from sensitive areas in China raised the specter of losing government favor. Certain restrictive measures by Chinese authorities also mean the company hasn’t been able to roll out automated self-driving features that domestic competitors are now introducing. That could leave Tesla with relatively premium prices, but no premium product.

Sunday’s news eases those burdens. Regulators now say Tesla’s cars meet data-security requirements, while the company has an in-principle agreement to introduce self-driving, Bloomberg reported.

But even so, earnings aren’t likely to justify the stock reaction. Tesla sold around 1.5 million cars in China between 2020 and 2023. Make the very generous assumption that half of those take its $99-a-month autopilot subscription, and revenue increases by $900 million. At Tesla’s 59-times price-to-expected-earnings multiple as of Friday, according to LSEG, the stock rise implies nearly $1.4 billion of added profit, assuming there are no costs associated with that new revenue. It’s possible Tesla grows market share, but it has been going in the wrong direction.

Still, China is crucial to Tesla’s future. If Musk reaches an agreement to export data collected by its cars – a big if – it would boost efforts to train a fully driverless robotaxi. More prosaically, though, it simply helps Musk remain competitive in his slice of China’s market. After a very bad start to the year, that’s enough to maintain an underwhelming status quo.

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Elon Musk, CEO of electric automaker Tesla, held discussions with Chinese Premier Li Qiang during a meeting in the country on April 28, according to Reuters. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers subsequently said in a statement that Tesla’s cars are compliant with the country’s data-security regulations, meaning that restrictions barring them from certain areas may now be relaxed.

The company also reached an agreement with Baidu to use the Chinese firm’s mapping license to gather data on Chinese roads, Reuters reported. Musk has said that Tesla may release its full-self-driving software to customers in China soon. The company has in-principle approval from government officials, under certain conditions, to deploy the service in China, Bloomberg reported on April 29.

Editing by Lauren Silva Laughlin and Sharon Lam


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