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Moldova holds election, EU vote dogged by alleged Russian meddling

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Moldovans decide on European future in Sunday's twin votes

Pro-EU incumbent tipped to win presidential election

But election may go to run-off if she falls short of 50%

Vote overshadowed by meddling allegations denied by Russia

Updates turnout figure in paragraph 9

By Tom Balmforth and Alexander Tanas

CHISINAU, Oct 20 (Reuters) -Moldovans voted on Sunday in a presidential election and a referendum that could make or break their country's efforts to join the European Union, after allegations of Russian interference.

As the war in Ukraine turns the political and diplomatic spotlight on Moldova, the former Soviet republic has sought to escape Moscow's orbit and embarked on the long process of EU accession talks.

Polls show incumbent Maia Sandu, who has championed EU accession in four years as president, has a clear lead over her 10 rivals on the ballot, though the election will go to a Nov. 3 run-off if she fails to reach the 50% mark.

The 52-year-old former World Bank adviser is likely to face Alexandr Stoianoglo, 57, a former prosecutor-general backed by the pro-Russian Party of Socialists, if there is a second round.

The referendum will decide whether to insert a clause into the constitution defining EU accession as a goal. A strong "yes" would endorse Sandu's push to join the bloc by 2030, while a "no" would be a major setback for her.

The results will set the tone for next summer's parliamentary election, where Sandu's party may struggle to retain its majority.

"Our vote at the referendum will define our fate for many decades to come," she said after casting her ballot, urging Moldovans to vote.

Polls show a majority support joining the EU, though five candidates told supporters to vote "no" or boycott, saying the referendum had been timed to boost Sandu's vote at the election.

Despite speculation the referendum could fail to garner the turnout threshold of a third of voters, it had passed the 42% mark by 6 p.m.,election officials said.

Stoianoglo boycotted the referendum as he voted, saying the country needed a new government and that if he wins, he would develop ties with the EU, Russia, U.S. and China.

Polling stations close at 9 p.m. (1800 GMT), with early, preliminary results expected at a news conference at 10 p.m. (1900 GMT).

Outside a polling station, Tamara, 78, said she voted "no" and against Sandu because she was "completely fed up" and wanted the country to improve living standards, not join the EU.

Vyacheslav, 60, and his wife Tamara, 63, said: "We voted for our children, for Europe and for our future."

Moldova has alternated between pro-Western and pro-Russian courses since the 1991 break-up of the Soviet Union.

Ties with Moscow have deteriorated under Sandu. Her government has condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, accused Russia of plotting her overthrow, and diversified energy supply after Russia reduced gas supplies.


The foreign ministry said two polling stations in Moscow - set up for Moldovans abroad - had been "artificially" overcrowded and there might be illegal attempts to bus voters in.

The vote has been overshadowed by election-meddling allegations.

Police accused Ilan Shor, a fugitive tycoon who lives in Russia, of trying to pay off a network of at least 130,000 voters to vote "no" and back a candidate he would only disclose at the last minute.

Shor, jailed in absentia for fraud and theft and under western sanctions, has offered to pay Moldovans to persuade others to vote "no" and back "our candidate". He denies wrongdoing.

In the run-up to the vote, state radio in Chisinau has urged people not to vote for money and asked them to report any such offers to the authorities.

On Thursday, law enforcement agencies said they had uncovered a programme in which hundreds of people were taken to Russia to undergo training to stage riots and civil unrest.

Russia denies interfering and accuses Sandu's government of "Russophobia".

Police chief Viorel Cernauteanu told Reuters a slew of voice and text messages from abroad in recent days had told Moldovans to either boycott the referendum or vote "no".

He said the police had acted to prevent any impact on the vote.

"There will be some kind of impact in any case, but I think it will not influence the votes overall."

Reporting by Tom Balmforth and Alexander Tanas; editing by David Evans, Rod Nickel, Alex Richardson and Giles Elgood


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