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Italy - Factors to watch on June 17

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


At the Group of Seven summit that she hosted in southern Italy this week, right-wing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni showed she had some red lines dear to her nationalist camp that she was ready to fight for, especially issues relating to the family and reproduction rights.


ISTAT releases May CPI final data (0800 GMT).



tA Stellantis-led joint venture has started production of electric vehicles of China's Leapmotor at Stellantis' Tychy plant in Poland, analysts at Jefferies said, quoting Leapmotor's management.

Stellantis and Leapmotor have created a joint venture, led by the Franco-Italian automaker with a 51% stake, giving Stellantis exclusive rights to build, export and sell Leapmotor products outside China, a first for a legacy Western automaker.

The Italian government is discussing with China the possibility of Chinese automaker Dongfeng 0489.HK opening a plant in Italy to produce at least 400,000-500,000 electric cars a year, Corriere della Sera said on Sunday, citing Industry Minister Adolfo Urso.


As Italy's Treasury looks for anchor investors to sell its remaining stake in the bank, Italian insurance group Unipol UNPI.MI could buy a 10% stake in the bank, Milano Finanza reported on Saturday, citing scenarios drawn up by investment banks. Asset manager and MPS partner Anima ANIM.MI may also be interested in buying a stake in the bank, the paper added.


Spain's Sabadell postponed the completion of the sale of its retailers' payments business to Nexi after the hostile takeover by BBVA, two sources with knowledge of the matter said on Friday.


The bank is about to finalise the deal to join forces with Iccrea Banca and domestic private equity fund FSI to create Numia, formerly known as Bcc Pay, Italy's second-largest digital payments business after Nexi.

Milano Finanza said on Saturday the closing would happen in the coming weeks, while Corriere della Sera said on Sunday it was due "by September".


S&P Global Ratings on Friday raised the tyremaker's outlook to "positive" from "stable" thanks to positive deleveraging prospects, it also confirmed "BBB-" rating.


CEO Flavio Cattaneo met Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy and discussed with his entourage the company's investment and hiring plans in Brazil, several Italian newspapers reported on Sunday.


The Italian steep pipe maker said on Friday it had completed the third tranche and begun the fourth tranche of its $1.2 billion share buyback programme.


Reverse stock split on ordinary shares.


Privately owned fintech group ION has received a green light from Italy's central bank to buy the bad loan and property manager from U.S. hedge fund Davidson Kempner, two sources with knowledge of the matter said on Friday.


Italian infrastructure fund F2i is working to merge its two energy units, Sorgenia and Ef Solare, Corriere della Sera reported on Saturday. A group of investors including U.S. funds KKR and Apollo, a Canadian state-backed fund and France's Ardian submitted preliminary offers for a 40% stake, valued at around 1 billion euros, in the new entity, the paper said, adding that binding bids are expected by the end of June.


Brussels, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni takes part in informal EU leaders' meeting on nominations for EU top jobs.

Cremona, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti meets local business associations.

Serie A top soccer league holds an assembly via videoconference on international TV rights for 2024-2025 and following seasons.

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