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INSTANT Flat US May CPI boosts confidence that Fed reining in inflation

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June 12 (Reuters) -The U.S. Consumer Price Index was unexpectedly unchanged in May amid cheaper gasoline, but inflation likely remains too high for the Federal Reserve, which concludes it regular policy meeting later on Wednesday, to start cutting interest rates before September.

The flat reading reported by the Labor Department on Wednesday followed a 0.3% increase in April. In the 12 months through May, the CPI advanced 3.3% after increasing 3.4% in April. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the CPI edging up 0.1% and gaining 3.4% year-on-year.

Excluding the volatile food and energy components, the CPI climbed 0.2% in May, less than April's 0.3% rise. Year over year, the core CPI increased 3.4%, the smallest 12-month gain since April 2021, after a 3.6% advance in April. Inflation continues to run above the U.S. central bank's 2% target.



STOCKS: U.S. stock index futures extended a gain to +0.72%, pointing to a strong open on Wall Street
BONDS: The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield tumbled to 4.293% and the two-year yield fell to 4.71%
FOREX: The dollar index =USD extended a fall to -0.7% and the euro EUR=EBS extended its early rise to +0.74%



“It would take an extremely soft CPI print to change the course of the Fed in July after a strong payroll report last week. We squarely believe today is a no-go meeting and the CPI number was not weak enough to change our view on July’s meeting. While September may be on the table, today would have had to be the first of a handful of inflation data prints that went right, which it did. It does remain challenging, however for inflation to cool with the backdrop of the summer’s heat. Let's see what the Fed forecasts this afternoon. This is good news, but we will need more of it.”


“It certainly seems as if the trend in inflation continues to be our friend, working its way lower and taking the street by surprise and causing the futures to jump while the yield on the 10-year note slumped. So, that is going to end up working in favor of the Fed.

"The dot plots are probably already voted in and we think that there's probably a greater likelihood that it will show two rate cuts rather than just one in 2024, but we still think that we're going to get 25 basis point cuts in every quarter through mid-2026.”

“This adds to the possibility that investors are going to be optimistic that the market is going to see lower interest rates by the end of the year. Investors are breathing a sigh of relief and seeing the risk assets surge, we will probably end up seeing the growth oriented sectors also show strength when the market opens in an hour.”


“The no surprise on CPI data today will bolster the case for a first cut in September… so potentially US yields will adjust on the downside with downside pressure on the dollar.”

“Depending on the various contributions because the lagged shelter component is polluting the general figures on CPI. Without shelter, sticky CPI is re-accelerating for few months so that we see one or two max cuts in 2024.”


"The May US CPI report is one that should provide the FOMC with some degree of further confidence in the disinflationary process back towards the 2% target, with headline CPI remaining unchanged on an MoM basis, for the first time since last June. Furthermore, core CPI slipped further on an annual basis, hitting a more than 3-year low at 3.4%."

"While such data will support the view that April's cooler price data was not a one-off, it is unlikely, on its own, to provide the FOMC with enough confidence to deliver a rate cut just yet, with the next FOMC decision due later today."

"Nevertheless, the data does lessen the chances of a hawkish shift in Chair Powell's rhetoric at the post meeting press conference, even if the dot plot is likely to show a median expectation of 50bp, from 75bp, of cuts this year. Markets, as near as makes no difference, now price 2 cuts as the most likely outcome, in line with our base case expectation, for cuts to begin in September, followed by another such 25bp reduction in December."


“The headline number was flat, but that had a lot of uncertainty around it. The core number, which is more signal than noise, was below the consensus. After three months of veering off-track, the disinflation bus is back on the road to 2%.”

(Compiled by the Global Finance & Markets Breaking News team)


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