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Hurricane Milton blows utilities into eye of storm

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Robert Cyran

NEW YORK, Oct 10 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Strong, countervailing winds are making conditions tempestuous for U.S. power providers. No company embodies the dueling opportunities and risks more than NextEra Energy NEE.N, the $170 billion utility based in Florida, where a second ferocious storm just struck two weeks after the last one. The situation brings dark clouds to a long sunny stretch for the industry.

Artificial intelligence brightened the forecast for otherwise drab sellers of electricity. They have been buoyed by the amount of projected demand to run factories and data centers for machine learning. Efforts to decarbonize the economy are helping boost the bottom line, too. The prospect of lower interest rates is also starting to make their dividend yields look appealing again.

The index tracking utility stocks has led the market over the past year. It was up 42% through the end of September, edging out technology and telecommunications companies in the S&P 500 Index .SPX. NextEra has done even better, thanks to the anticipated profit from 23 gigawatts of power and storage it’s adding nationwide to the 35 gigawatts it already runs. It now trades at 23 times estimated earnings over the next 12 months, a 40% premium to rivals, according to LSEG.

About 60% of NextEra’s earnings last year came from its regulated business, Florida Power & Light. Although not all of them are NextEra customers, more than 3 million homes and businesses in the state lost electricity after Hurricane Milton hit on Wednesday. Restoring power will be expensive and regulators must approve any extra fees to cover the costs. Two 2022 storms led to more than $1 billion of surcharges.

More, and bigger, hurricanes will be problematic in myriad ways, including for utilities. FP&L hasn’t even finished cleaning up from last month’s Helene, and when combined with Milton, they probably will have caused more damage than the ones two years ago. The pressure on Florida’s politicians to curb utility costs is rising. Homeowners there already pay the highest insurance premiums in the country.

The situation threatens FP&L’s performance. For one thing, the Florida Public Service Commission might get stingier about approving higher returns on investment. At the same time, increasing damage from climate change could easily slow or reverse population growth in the Sunshine State, and thus erode NextEra’s top line expansion. The danger is that the industry’s impressive tailwinds are no match for intensifying 150 miles-per-hour gusts blowing from the other direction.

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Hurricane Milton made landfall as a Category 3 storm on Florida’s Gulf Coast on Oct. 9, leaving more than 3.3 million customers without electricity, according to

The storm’s center travelled across the state to the Atlantic coast and was heading further out to sea on Oct. 10.

The Sunshine State is still recovering from Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 storm, which hit on Sept. 26.

Florida Power & Light, the nation’s largest electric utility and the largest in Florida, said it has equipment, supplies and about 14,500 people in position to help restore any lost power. FP&L is a division of NextEra Energy.

NextEra's shares have outperformed for a decade

Editing by Jeffrey Goldfarb and Pranav Kiran


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