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Cold storage IPO merits a warm reception

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Jennifer Saba

NEW YORK, July 23 (Reuters Breakingviews) -The food business has a necessary evil – cold storage – and public investors are about to have a crack at buying shares in the company that nearly has the market cornered. The sprawling U.S. landscape means the likes of Conagra Brands CAG.N, Unilever ULVR.L, Kraft Heinz KHC.O, and Walmart WMT.N have to pay refrigerated facility-owners like Lineage LINE.O, a real estate investment trust founded in 2008, for space to house their meat, cheese, and frozen vegetables. The steady nature of the business and lack of established companies is partly what makes Lineage valuable. With scale and an acquisitive culture, the upcoming initial public offering, the biggest so far this year, deserves the premium Lineage is asking.

The food storage business as a whole is pretty steady, and not that exciting. The industry is expected to grow 3% annually over the next five years, according to IBISWorld. Lineage does better on a same store basis, with sales last year jumping 6% compared to Americold Realty Trust COLD.N, which grew at the pace of the industry. The fact that it has more warehouses closer to the consumer – 76% versus Americold’s 42%, according to Green Street Advisers – helps.

Still, it’s the nature of Lineage's growth overall that makes it valuable. The Michigan-based company was founded by two former Morgan Stanley MS.N investment bankers, Adam Forste and Kevin Marchetti, who had a yen for dealmaking. The first facility they bought was a warehouse in Seattle, and since, Lineage has made 116 acquisitions in the fractured industry mostly run by mom-and-pop owners. In the most lucrative market, North America, Lineage commands 30% share by cubic footage while the next biggest Americold, has 19% share, Green Street says. Another one-third is comprised of smaller players.

Size matters in this business. Giant food producers want to partner with larger facilities that can handle distribution across the country rather than rely on stringing together several independent owners. Technology and consistency are important factors too. Lineage, with its size, could using pricing power to its advantage.

The deal has risks. The company has incurred loads of debt to buy up all that real estate. Proceeds from the IPO will go to paying it down, not to future growth. Plus, at the high end of the price range, Lineage will be worth $19 billion, giving it a capitalization rate, a reflection of the valuation relative to the operating income, of approximately 6.6%. That’s much less attractive than Americold’s 8%. In a world with higher interest rates, Lineage's yield isn't all that attractive.

Pricing the IPO at the lower end of the range gets Lineage’s cap rate to 7.4%. Investors might prefer that safety. But with a dearth of public offerings so far this year, this cold business merits a warm reception.

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Cold storage real estate investment trust Lineage said on July 16 it planned to raise up to $3.9 billion in an initial public offering, according to a regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. With a range of $70 per share to $82 per share it would give the company a valuation of $19 billion at the high end of the target.

Graphic: Lineage could take the top global IPO spot in 2024 Lineage could take the top global IPO spot in 2024

Editing by Lauren Silva Laughlin and Sharon Lam


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