Could markets relive the 2016 post-election day performance?
- Euro/dollar could suffer if 2016 repeats itself
- US stocks could further benefit from Trump’s win
- Gold and bitcoin might move in opposite direction
- Euro/dollar volatility could rise further
Trump wins a second term
Former President Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, achieving a noticeable comeback following the 2020 defeat. The market reaction has been mostly within expectations, with the dollar gaining across the board, gold suffering and bitcoin enjoying strong gains.
While market participants are gradually turning their focus to the Fed meeting for any hints on the rate outlook after Thursday’s gathering, it is worth examining the performance of key market assets from election day until year-end in election years since 2000.
Euro/dollar could drop further towards year-end
Chart 1 below depicts euro/dollar’s past performance. This pair finished the year in positive territory in every post-election period examined since 2000, with one exception. In 2016, euro/dollar sold off aggressively, finishing the year around 4.5% lower compared to the election date, as Trump’s pro-America agenda boosted the dollar.
S&P 500 historical performance is mixed
As seen in chart 2 below, the performance of the S&P 500 index after election day has been mixed. However, focusing on 2016, the world’s largest stock index finished the election year around 4.5% higher, partly supported by the customary Santa Rally.
Russell 2000 index could benefit the most
Trump’s “America first” agenda is expected to benefit small- and medium-sized US-based corporates. In 2016, this positive sentiment persisted in the post-election day period, with the index finishing the year around 13% higher compared to the election day close. In this context, the Russell 2000 index, which encapsulated small-cap stocks, is expected to perform well today.
Gold could suffer further into year-end
Similarly to the S&P 500 index, gold’s performance after election day since 2000 has been mixed, with the precious metal rallying significantly in 2008 but suffering in 2016. Since Trump was first elected in 2016, a possible repeat of that performance could mean that gold could drop towards the $2,500 area.
Stocks’ volatility could ease while euro/dollar volatility could rise further
The pre-US election day period is traditionally characterized by increased market volatility. Based on historical analysis, the VIX index tends to drop aggressively after election day, with 2008 being the exception as the 2007-2008 financial crisis was unfolding. In 2016, VIX dropped aggressively, ending the year around 25% lower compared to election day.
On the flip side, as seen in Chart 5 below, euro/dollar volatility has historically eased in the post-election day period. The only time that volatility remained high and experienced a strong rally was in 2016, when Trump was first elected.
Putting everything together, the performance by key market assets after the 2016 election could serve as a guide to what the future might hold. We could indeed see euro/dollar drop, US stocks rally and gold suffer, but past performance does not guarantee future results. Particularly in a period with two active conflicts, in Ukraine and the Middle East, and China struggling to fix its housing sector issues.
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