Stocks’ euphoria might have legs – Stock Markets
- Equity indices react positively to Trump’s win
- Small capitalization stocks could benefit further
- European stock indices remain the laggards
- Fed stance to support current sentiment despite high yields
Trump’s win pushes stocks higher
US stock indices continue to dance to the tune of Trump’s return to the White House. The initial reaction was positive with the S&P 500 index climbing by around 2.5%, as the pre-election rhetoric about significant tax cuts contributed to the improved market sentiment. But the stars of the show were indices that track smaller US cap stocks like the Russell 2000 index.
Trump’s “America first” agenda, with tariffs potentially imposed on imports mostly from China, is expected to benefit the smaller US-based companies more compared to the larger multinationals. The Russell 2000 index is up by around 8% this week, recording its strongest weekly rally since April 10, 2020 when the stocks globally were trying to recover from the COVID correction.
The Russell 2000 index could benefit further
Looking at the post-election period in 2016, when Trump was first elected, one can infer that the current rally in the Russell 2000 index might have legs. In 2016, this positive sentiment resulted in the index finishing the year around 13% higher compared to its election day close.
Stocks in a relatively good mood across the globe
The other major US stock indices are also in the green, led by the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, with the S&P 500 index being the laggard in terms of performance. Focusing on subsectors, financial and energy stocks have benefited the most from Trump’s reelection. In the meantime, following mixed earnings results, healthcare stocks remain under pressure with the sector recording the second weakest performance of the year.
Traditionally, stocks tend to perform well in November, and this appears to be the case again this year. In addition to the US stock indices being in the green this month, Asian indices, such as the Shanghai Composite index, are enjoying strong gains. The Nikkei 225 index is lagging again, partly reflecting concerns about the formation of a new government in Japan, while European equity indices are mixed. The German index could suffer as the country prepares for snap elections.
Fed outlook matters as yields remain high
Meanwhile, not everything is rosy in the stocks’ world. Despite the Fed remaining on an easing path, bond yields are elevated. The 10-year US Treasury is hovering around 4.35%, 65bps above the level recorded before the start of the Fed easing campaign in September, partly offsetting the accommodation provided by the Fed, and thus keeping funding costs high for firms and house buyers.
S&P 500 index reaches a higher high
The S&P 500 index is experiencing its fifth consecutive green candle, erasing last week’s correction and recording another new all-time high. With the momentum indicators turning bullish, the bulls could feel confident that the current bullish breakout might have legs, with the 6,000 level being around the corner.
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