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Forward rates decline after US election result despite dry weather view

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>NORDIC POWER-Forward rates decline after US election result despite dry weather view</title></head><body>

Nov 6 (Reuters) -Nordic forward power prices declined on Wednesday following the victory of Republican Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election, despite forecasts of dry weather in the hydropower-dependent region.

* The Nordic front-quarter baseload power contract ENOFBLQc1 fell 0.5 euros, or 0.9%, to 53.00 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), as of 1236 GMT.

* The Nordic front-year ENOFBLYc1 lost 0.65 euros, or 1.7%, to 37.00 euros per megawatt hour (MWh).

* Nordic water reserves available 15 days ahead PCAEC00 were seen at 6.02 terawatt hours (TWh) above normal compared with 8.16 terawatt hours (TWh) above normal on Tuesday.

* "There is an overall bearish sentiment across the markets today in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. Presidential election," said Karsten Sander Nielsen, a senior market analyst at Energi Danmark.

* "There is a general feeling that Trump’s win is negative for the European economy, and this affects both gas and power and even though the Nordic area is not as gas-dependent as other parts of Europe, the spillover effect is there."

* Donald Trump was elected president, capping a remarkable comeback four years after he was voted out of the White House and ushering in a new American leadership likely to test democratic institutions at home and relations abroad.

* Germany's Cal'25 TRDEBYc1, Europe's benchmark power contract, was down 1.9 euros at 84.89 euros per MWh.

* Dutch and British wholesale prices dipped on Wednesday morning after Republican Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election and amid stable supply. NG/EU

* In the European carbon market CFI2Zc1, the benchmark contract fell by 1.7 euros to 62.58 euros per metric ton.

* "The week after next week will likely be similarly unsettled with near or slightly below normal temperatures and moderate precipitation activity," Georg Muller, a meteorologist at LSEG, said in a note.

"Major wet and windy spells or significant cold spells are not likely before the end of November."

* The Nordic power price for next-day physical delivery FXSYSAL=NPX, or system price, fell 4.82 euros, or 15.18%, to 26.94 euros per megawatt hour (MWh).

Reporting by Sherin Elizabeth Varghese in Bengaluru; Editing by Tasim Zahid


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जोखिम की चेतावनी: आपकी पूँजी जोखिम में है। लीवरेज वाले उत्पाद सबके उपयुक्त नहीं होते हैं। कृपया हमारे जोखिम खुलासे पर विचार करें।