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Abu Dhabi's Borouge posts 33% jump in second quarter profit

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DUBAI, July 31 (Reuters) -Abu Dhabi petrochemicals firm Borouge BOROUGE.AD on Wednesday reported a 33% jump in second-quarter net profit, beating estimates, on the back of higher production volumes and efficiencies.

Borouge reported income of $308 million in the three months to end-June. Revenues were up 6% to $1.5 billion.

That beat analysts' average expectation of $294.67 million profit for the quarter, according to LSEG.

Borouge is a joint venture between UAE state oil giant ADNOC and Borealis in which they hold a 54% and 36% stake, respectively. Borealis is a joint venture owned in which Austria's OMV OMVV.VI owns 75% and ADNOC owns 25% by ADNOC.

Last week, Borouge said it planned to build a polyolefins complex in China with Wanhua Chemical 600309.SS through a consortium with ADNOC and Borealis to boost growth in its core Asia market.

ADNOC and OMV have been in talks for over a year about a merger of Borouge and Borealis, which would create a chemicals group with over $20 billion in annual sales.

In addition to Asia, Borouge's core markets are the Middle East and Africa. Asia Pacific accounted for about two thirds of sales, the same as a year prior, while the Middle East and Africa made up 28% of sales, up from 27% at the end of June 2023, it said.

Average sale prices were marginally lower in the quarter, as a small drop in polyethylene prices was offset by a marginal rise in polypropylene prices.

Borouge said it remains committed to a 2024 dividend of $1.3 billion.

Borouge said it has reached over 70% completion of Borouge 4 which would increase its production capacity by 28%. The project is expected to be completed by the end of next year and is seen adding $1.5-1.9 billion in annual revenue.

Reporting by Yousef Saba and Sarah El Safty; editing by Miral Fahmy


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जोखिम की चेतावनी: आपकी पूँजी जोखिम में है। लीवरेज वाले उत्पाद सबके उपयुक्त नहीं होते हैं। कृपया हमारे जोखिम खुलासे पर विचार करें।