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A fragile reversal for Norway's crown

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>BUZZ-COMMENT-A fragile reversal for Norway's crown</title></head><body>

Sept 17 (Reuters) -A direction change is underway for NOK/SEK but the bullish reversal from the key 0.9500 support point lacks conviction and the market reaction to this Thursday's Norges Bank meeting could be pivotal.

Not a classic trend reversal but back-to-back doji candles, Sept. 10-11, set the stage for a move higher and from a 0.9539 one-month low the Viking cross has removed a minimum correction level at 0.9606 and climbed above the 10-day moving average, currently 0.9601.

A drop to 0.9505 in early August found bids and the subsequent rebound took the cross to a high of 0.9821. However, since peaking at 1.0125 in May the cross has recorded three straight bearish monthly closes and September could rack up a fourth despite the current rebound.

Good resistance levels stand in the NOK's way and these are likely to hold until the Norges Bank meeting has passed. The 38.2% and 50% Fibonacci levels taken off the 0.9821-0.9539 Aug. 15-Sept. 11 drop are at 0.9647 and 0.9680, respectively. A cluster of daily highs around the 0.9680-90 area add to the resistance ahead of 0.9700.

The main risk to the rebound scenario is a softer more dovish line from the Norges Bank as its policy drivers begin to shift away from a hawkish path.

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NOK/SEK Daily Candle Chart: https://tmsnrt.rs/4gtTltu

(Peter Stoneham is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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जोखिम की चेतावनी: आपकी पूँजी जोखिम में है। लीवरेज वाले उत्पाद सबके उपयुक्त नहीं होते हैं। कृपया हमारे जोखिम खुलासे पर विचार करें।