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Coffee hits multi-year highs as Brazil weather outlook worsens

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LONDON, Sept 16 (Reuters) -Coffee futures on ICE hit fresh multi-year highs on Monday, extending last week's 10% gains as weather forecasts in top arabica producer Brazil continued to worsen, while fears over typhoon damage persisted in top robusta producer Vietnam.


* December arabica coffee KCc2 was 4.2% higher at $2.7025 per lb by 1258 GMT, having hit its highest since 2011 at $2.7180.

* Dealers said weather models are pointing to scattered rains for the rest of the month, which "won't do the trick". As for October rains, they said there is a lot more uncertainty that they will suffice.

* "For now, I advise extreme caution," said a physical broker, meaning clients should think twice about deferring purchases in the hope prices will fall.

* According to LSEG analysts, drought risks persist for Brazil's crops as widespread dryness and warmth will likely return once the scattered rains have passed in about ten days.

* November robusta coffee LRCc2 was up 3.7% at $5,460 a metric ton, having peaked at $5,479, its highest since the current form of the contract started trading 16 years ago.

* Dealers remain concerned that Typhoon Yagi might have caused coffee berries to drop in Vietnam, hurting the quality, and disrupting drying operations.

* Vietnam could see wetter-than-normal weather in coming months as the La Nina weather pattern is expected to develop.

* Robusta coffee speculators raised their net long position by 73 lots to 35,106 lots as of Sept. 10, data showed.


* December New York cocoa CCc2 fell 0.7% to $7,644 a ton.

* No. 2 cocoa producer Ghana lost 160,000 tons or more than a third of its 2023/24 cocoa output to smuggling, cocoa regulator Cocobod told Reuters, as low local prices and payment delays push some farmers to sell to trafficking rings.

* The global cocoa market is in its third year of deficit, while the global cocoa stocks-to-grinding ratio has dropped to its lowest reading in almost 50 years. However, production could recover next season.

* December London cocoa LCCc2 ​fell 0.3% to 5,345 pounds per ton.


* October raw sugar SBc1 ​rose 1.5% to 19.29 cents per lb.

* October white sugar LSUc1 fell 0.3% to $526.40 a ton.

Reporting by Maytaal Angel; Editing by Kirsten Donovan


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इस वेबसाइट में मौजूद कोई भी तृतीय पक्षीय सामग्री, तथा XM द्वारा तैयार की गई सामग्रियाँ, जैसे: अभिप्राय, समाचार, अनुसंधान, विश्लेषण, कीमतें और अन्य सूचनाएँ या तृतीय पक्षों की साइटों के लिंक, "जैसा-है-वैसा" के आधार पर बाजार के बारे में सामान्य टिप्पणी के रूप में उपलब्ध कराई गई हैं, और वे निवेश हेतु सलाह नहीं हैं। जिस हद तक कीसी सामग्री को निवेश अनुसंधान मान लिया जाता है, उस हद तक आपको ध्यान में रखना होगा और इसे स्वीकार करना होगा कि वह सामग्री इस उद्देश्य से और निवेश अनुसंधान की स्वतंत्रता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कानूनी आवश्यकताओं के मुताबिक, तैयार नहीं की गई है, और इसलिए उसे प्रासंगिक कानूनों और विनियमों के तहत विपणन संप्रेषण माना जाएगा। कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि आपने गैर-आश्रित निवेश के बारे में हमारी सूचना को पढ़ और समझ लिया है। पीछे दी गई जानकारी के बारे में अनुसंधान और जोखिम चेतावनी यहाँ उपलब्ध है।

जोखिम की चेतावनी: आपकी पूँजी जोखिम में है। लीवरेज वाले उत्पाद सबके उपयुक्त नहीं होते हैं। कृपया हमारे जोखिम खुलासे पर विचार करें।