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What to Watch in the Week Ahead and on Monday, June 10

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The Day Ahead is an email and PDF publication that includes the day's major stories and events, analyses and other features. To receive The Day Ahead, Eikon users can register at DAY/US. Thomson One users can register at RT/DAY/US. All times in ET/GMT


Morgan StanleyCEO Ted Pickis scheduled to speak at the bank's annual U.S. Financials, Payments & Commercial Real Estate Conference.

CEO Tim Cookdelivers remarks at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, where the tech giant is expected to focus on Artificial Intelligence.

A panel of U.S. Food and Drug Administrationadvisers will discuss the safety and efficacy of Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's disease drug donanemab. The meeting will be closely watched by doctors, patients, investors, and the industry as Lilly seeks to gain approval for a keenly anticipated competitor to Eisai and Biogen's Leqembi.


The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)starts its two-day meeting on Tuesday and will announce its decision on interest rates on Wednesday, followed by Fed Chair Jerome Powell's news conference. The policy rateis widely expected to remain in the current 5.25%-5.5% range, unchanged since last July.

On the U.S. economic calendar, a key inflation report is set to be released on Wednesday, shortly before the Fed's policy statement. The consumer price index (CPI)is expected to have risen 0.1% in May, compared to a 0.3% gain in April. In the 12 months through May, the CPI likely advanced 3.4%, matching April's growth. Excluding the volatile food and energy components,the CPIprobably climbed 0.3% in May, mirroring April's increase. On an annual basis, this so-called Core CPI is forecast to have ticked up 3.5% in May, compared to a 3.6% hike in April. Producer prices data are scheduled for release on Thursday. The producer price index (PPI) for final demandlikely inched up 0.1% in May, after advancing 0.5% in April. In the 12 months through May, the PPI is forecast to have climbed 2.6%, after gaining 2.2% in the previous month. Separately, on Thursday, the Labor Department's weekly jobless claims report is expected to show initial claims for state unemployment benefitsfalling to 225,000 in the week ending June 8 from 229,000 the week before. Meanwhile, other economic data, including importand export pricesfor May and University of Michigan's preliminary reading on the overall index of consumer sentimentfor June, are due on Friday.

Teslaholds its annual shareholder meeting on Thursday, where investors will vote on a key proposal related to CEO Elon Musk's pay. It has become a contentious issue after some proxy advisory firms have urged shareholders to vote against his compensation, which was voided by a judge earlier this year. Shareholders will also cast votes on proposals related to relocating the firm to Texas from Delaware and the election of board directors.

Oracleis expected to post a rise in fourth-quarter revenue on Tuesday as booming demand for artificial intelligence drives up enterprise cloud transitions.

Adobeis expected to report a rise in second-quarter revenue on Thursday, helped by strong demand for its artificial intelligence integrated photography, illustration, and video software.

Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williamswill moderate a discussion with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellenbefore the Economic Club of New York on Thursday. On Friday, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbeeis expected to participate in a fireside chat before the Iowa Farm Bureau Economic Summit.

Wells Fargo & CoChief Financial Officer Mike Santomassimowill present on Tuesday at the Morgan Stanley U.S. financials, payments & CRE conference. Bank of America's President Regional Banking Dean Athanasiawill speak at the conference on the same day. Andy Sieg, Head of Wealth at Citigroup, will present at the same event on Wednesday.

Auto executives including General MotorsCFO Paul Jacobsonand FordCFO John Lawleras well as top executives from Rivian, Lucid, Autoliv, BorgWarner, Aptiv and others are scheduled to speak at the Deutsche Bank auto conference in New York on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Head of U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Mike Whitakerwill testify before Senate Commerce Committee on agency's oversight of Boeingand other airplane manufacturers.

Rohit Chopra, director of U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will testify before U.S. Senate Banking Committee on Wednesday, for first time since Supreme Court upheld constitutionality of agency's funding structure. On Thursday, Chopra will appear before the House Financial Services Committee to deliver a second day of testimony on Capitol Hill on his agency's semi-annual report.

The U.S. House Financial Services Committeewill hold a hearing on Wednesday at which top bank regulators, including the outgoing chair of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, are expected to testify about the results of an independent probe of sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and other misconduct in the FDIC workforce.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumpwill participate in a moderated, closed-door discussion at Business Roundtable’s Quarterly Meeting in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. Trump's campaign has been courting America's wealthiest individuals - with some success - in a bid to close a fundraising gap with Democratic President Joe Biden.

Bank of Canadagovernor Tiff Macklemis expected to participate in a panel discussion at the 2024 Conference of Montreal on Wednesday. The Bank of Canada deputy governor Sharon Kozickiwill give a speech at the Canadian Association for Business Economics in Ottawa on Thursday on the Bank’s use of exceptional monetary policy tools in the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of public accountability in times of crisis and beyond.

Statistics Canada is expected to release data on factory saleson Friday, which most likely rose 1.2% in April, after falling 2.1% in March. Also on Friday, wholesale tradefigures is seen advancing 2.8% in April, after a 1.1% decrease in March. The country's building permitsdata for April is due on Tuesday.

In Latin America, Brazil's official statistics agency IBGE is expected to release inflationdata for May on Tuesday. Crucial April service sectordata for the country is expected on Wednesday, followed by April retail salesdata on Thursday. Peru's central bankis expected to announce its interest rate decisionon Thursday. Peru's trade balancedata for April is due on Thursday. Mexico's industrial outputdata for April is slated on Tuesday. Argentina's May inflationdata is on the calendar for Thursday.

Compiled by Nachiket Tekawade and Ankita Yadav in Bengaluru; Editing by Ravi Prakash Kumar


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Δήλωση αποποίησης ευθύνης: Οι οντότητες του ομίλου XM Group παρέχουν υπηρεσίες σε βάση εκτέλεσης μόνο και η πρόσβαση στην ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα συναλλαγών μας που επιτρέπει στον ενδιαφερόμενο να δει ή/και να χρησιμοποιήσει το περιεχόμενο που είναι διαθέσιμο στην ιστοσελίδα μας ή μέσω αυτής, δε διαφοροποιεί ούτε επεκτείνει αυτές τις υπηρεσίες πέραν αυτού ούτε προορίζεται για κάτι τέτοιο. Η εν λόγω πρόσβαση και χρήση υπόκεινται σε: (i) Όρους και προϋποθέσεις, (ii) Προειδοποιήσεις κινδύνου και (iii) Πλήρη δήλωση αποποίησης ευθύνης. Ως εκ τούτου, το περιεχόμενο αυτό παρέχεται μόνο ως γενική πληροφόρηση. Λάβετε ιδιαιτέρως υπόψη σας ότι τα περιεχόμενα της ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας συναλλαγών μας δεν αποτελούν παρότρυνση, ούτε προσφορά για να προβείτε σε οποιεσδήποτε συναλλαγές στις χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές. Η πραγματοποίηση συναλλαγών στις χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές ενέχει σημαντικό κίνδυνο για το κεφάλαιό σας.

Όλο το υλικό που δημοσιεύεται στην ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα συναλλαγών μας προορίζεται για εκπαιδευτικούς/ενημερωτικούς σκοπούς μόνο και δεν περιέχει, ούτε θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ότι περιέχει συμβουλές και συστάσεις χρηματοοικονομικές ή σε σχέση με φόρο επενδύσεων και την πραγματοποίηση συναλλαγών, ούτε αρχείο των τιμών διαπραγμάτευσής μας ούτε και προσφορά ή παρότρυνση για συναλλαγή οποιωνδήποτε χρηματοπιστωτικών μέσων ή ανεπιθύμητες προς εσάς προωθητικές ενέργειες.

Οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο τρίτων, καθώς και περιεχόμενο που εκπονείται από την ΧΜ, όπως απόψεις, ειδήσεις, έρευνα, αναλύσεις, τιμές, άλλες πληροφορίες ή σύνδεσμοι προς ιστότοπους τρίτων το οποίο περιέχεται σε αυτήν την ιστοσελίδα παρέχεται «ως έχει», ως γενικός σχολιασμός της αγοράς και δεν αποτελεί επενδυτική συμβουλή. Στον βαθμό που οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο ερμηνεύεται ως επενδυτική έρευνα, πρέπει να λάβετε υπόψη και να αποδεχτείτε ότι το περιεχόμενο δεν προοριζόταν και δεν έχει προετοιμαστεί σύμφωνα με τις νομικές απαιτήσεις που αποσκοπούν στην προώθηση της ανεξαρτησίας της επενδυτικής έρευνας και ως εκ τούτου, θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ως επικοινωνία μάρκετινγκ σύμφωνα με τους σχετικούς νόμους και κανονισμούς. Παρακαλούμε εξασφαλίστε ότι έχετε διαβάσει και κατανοήσει τη Γνωστοποίησή μας περί Μη ανεξάρτητης επενδυτικής έρευνας και την Προειδοποίηση ρίσκου όσον αφορά τις παραπάνω πληροφορίες, τις οποίες μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ.

Προειδοποίηση ρίσκου: Τα κεφάλαιά σας κινδυνεύουν. Τα προϊόντα με μόχλευση ενδέχεται να μην είναι κατάλληλα για όλους. Παρακαλούμε λάβετε υπόψη σας τη Γνωστοποίηση ρίσκου.