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Amazon mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp

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By Greg Bensinger

SAN FRANCISCO, June 21 (Reuters) - Amazon AMZN.O is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered amonthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

Known internally as “Banyan,” a reference to the sprawling ficus trees, the project would represent the first major overhaul of the voice assistant since it was introduced in 2014 along with the Echo line of speakers. Amazon has dubbed the new voice assistant "Remarkable Alexa," the people said.

The sources include eight current and former employees who worked on Alexa and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss confidential projects.

Amazon has pushed workers towards a deadline of August to prepare the newest version of Alexa,three of the people said, noting that CEO Andy Jassy has taken a personal interest in seeing Alexa reinvigorated. In an April letter to shareholders, Jassy promised a “more intelligent and capable Alexa,” without providing additional details.

The company's plans for Alexa including pricing and release dates could be altered or canceled depending on the progress of Project Banyan, the people cautioned.

"We have already integrated generative AI into different components of Alexa, and are working hard on implementation at scale—in the over half a billion ambient, Alexa-enabled devices already in homes around the world—to enable even more proactive, personal, and trusted assistance for our customers," said an Amazon spokeswoman in a statement.

The service -- which provides spoken answers to user queries, like the local weather, and can serve as a hub to control home appliances – was a pet project of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos who envisioned a technology that could emulate the fictional voice computer portrayed on television’s Star Trek series.

For Amazon, keeping up with rivals in generative AI is critical as Google GOOGL.O, Microsoft MSFT.O and OpenAI have garnered more favorable attention for their so-called chatbots that can respond almost instantaneously with full sentences to complicated prompts or queries.

The release of ChatGPT in late 2022 set off a frenzy of investing in AI firms and has pushed chipmaker Nvidia past Amazon and others by market capitalization, briefly becoming the world’s second-most valuable company.

Apple AAPL.O too is pushing ahead with its own AI strategy, including updating its Siri voice activated software embedded in iPhones to include more conversational answers.

Some of the Amazon employees who have worked on the project say Banyan represents a “desperate attempt” to revitalize the service, which has never turned a profit, and was caught flatfooted amid the rise of competitive generative AI products over the past 18 months. Those people said they have been told by senior management that this year is a critical one for the service to finally demonstrate it can generate meaningful sales for Amazon.

Accessed primarily through Amazon TVs and Echo speaker devices, Alexa is popular mostly for setting timers, quickly accessing the weather, playing songs or answering simple questions. Amazon’s hopes for goosing sales in its e-commerce operation through the service have fallen flat, mostly because users like to first see the products they are buying for easy comparison.

The Seattle retailer cut thousands of jobs in the unit in late 2023, part of a major restructuring after a pandemic-fueled e-commerce surge lost steam.


With an embedded AI, Amazon expects Alexa customers will ask it for shopping advice like which gloves and hat to purchase for a mountain climbing trip, the people said, similar to a text-based service on its website known as Rufus that Amazon rolled out earlier this year.

Some said they’ve been told by senior management that 2024 represents a “must win” year for Alexa, which along with the Prime membership and Kindle and Fire devices are the brands most closely associated with Amazon.

But an AI-powered version of the service demonstrated in September has yet to be released to the broader public while competitors have pushed out multiple updates to their chatbots. In the demonstration, Alexa lost its robotic tone and answered questions like the start time for a football game. "You can now have a near-human-like conversations with Alexa," promised Dave Limp, Amazon's hardware chief at the time, who has since left the company.

Amazon is working to replace what it refers to internally as “Classic Alexa,” the current free version, with an AI-powered one and yet another tier that uses more powerful AI software for more complicated queries and prompts that people would have to pay at least $5 per month to access, some of the people said. Amazon has also considered a roughly $10-per-month price, they said.

There is no tie-in with Amazon's $139-per-year Prime membership being considered, the people said.

As envisioned, the paid version could perform more intricate tasks such as composing a brief email, sending it and ordering dinner for delivery from Uber Eats, all from a single prompt, some of the people said. It could also eliminate the need to repeatedly say "Alexa" during a conversation with the software and offer more personalization, they said.

But the people said they struggled to see why customers would be willing to pay for a service, even a revamped one, that is offered for free today.

Amazon has also been plagued by false starts in developing the AI and other challenges such as hallucinations – when software produces false or misleading information – and poor employee morale in the division.

Some of Amazon’s plans for the service were previously reported by Business Insider, including its struggles with the performance of the underlying AI and its hopes for a paid service, however Reuters is first to report the tiered pricing, internal deadline and potential monthly fee.

Amazon is also aiming to supercharge the home automation offered through Alexa, the people said. Alexa now can wirelessly connect to so-called smart devices so that they can be controlled by voice, allowing a user to, for example, turn the porch lights on every day at 8 pm.

But Remarkable Alexa could learn from users so that it powers on the television for a favorite weekly program or turns on a user's coffee pot after a morning alarm goes off, which is possible today through prompts that Amazon calls Routines.

Some of the people noted that for such a service to work properly it will require customers to buy additional Alexa-enabled devices.

The company had been working on devices last year to get the service into more rooms of the house, such as Alexa-enabled home energy consumption trackers and a carbon monoxide detector, people familiar with the matter previously told Reuters.

Reporting by Greg Bensinger; editing by Kenneth Li and Nick Zieminski


Δήλωση αποποίησης ευθύνης: Οι οντότητες του ομίλου XM Group παρέχουν υπηρεσίες σε βάση εκτέλεσης μόνο και η πρόσβαση στην ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα συναλλαγών μας που επιτρέπει στον ενδιαφερόμενο να δει ή/και να χρησιμοποιήσει το περιεχόμενο που είναι διαθέσιμο στην ιστοσελίδα μας ή μέσω αυτής, δε διαφοροποιεί ούτε επεκτείνει αυτές τις υπηρεσίες πέραν αυτού ούτε προορίζεται για κάτι τέτοιο. Η εν λόγω πρόσβαση και χρήση υπόκεινται σε: (i) Όρους και προϋποθέσεις, (ii) Προειδοποιήσεις κινδύνου και (iii) Πλήρη δήλωση αποποίησης ευθύνης. Ως εκ τούτου, το περιεχόμενο αυτό παρέχεται μόνο ως γενική πληροφόρηση. Λάβετε ιδιαιτέρως υπόψη σας ότι τα περιεχόμενα της ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας συναλλαγών μας δεν αποτελούν παρότρυνση, ούτε προσφορά για να προβείτε σε οποιεσδήποτε συναλλαγές στις χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές. Η πραγματοποίηση συναλλαγών στις χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές ενέχει σημαντικό κίνδυνο για το κεφάλαιό σας.

Όλο το υλικό που δημοσιεύεται στην ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα συναλλαγών μας προορίζεται για εκπαιδευτικούς/ενημερωτικούς σκοπούς μόνο και δεν περιέχει, ούτε θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ότι περιέχει συμβουλές και συστάσεις χρηματοοικονομικές ή σε σχέση με φόρο επενδύσεων και την πραγματοποίηση συναλλαγών, ούτε αρχείο των τιμών διαπραγμάτευσής μας ούτε και προσφορά ή παρότρυνση για συναλλαγή οποιωνδήποτε χρηματοπιστωτικών μέσων ή ανεπιθύμητες προς εσάς προωθητικές ενέργειες.

Οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο τρίτων, καθώς και περιεχόμενο που εκπονείται από την ΧΜ, όπως απόψεις, ειδήσεις, έρευνα, αναλύσεις, τιμές, άλλες πληροφορίες ή σύνδεσμοι προς ιστότοπους τρίτων το οποίο περιέχεται σε αυτήν την ιστοσελίδα παρέχεται «ως έχει», ως γενικός σχολιασμός της αγοράς και δεν αποτελεί επενδυτική συμβουλή. Στον βαθμό που οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο ερμηνεύεται ως επενδυτική έρευνα, πρέπει να λάβετε υπόψη και να αποδεχτείτε ότι το περιεχόμενο δεν προοριζόταν και δεν έχει προετοιμαστεί σύμφωνα με τις νομικές απαιτήσεις που αποσκοπούν στην προώθηση της ανεξαρτησίας της επενδυτικής έρευνας και ως εκ τούτου, θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ως επικοινωνία μάρκετινγκ σύμφωνα με τους σχετικούς νόμους και κανονισμούς. Παρακαλούμε εξασφαλίστε ότι έχετε διαβάσει και κατανοήσει τη Γνωστοποίησή μας περί Μη ανεξάρτητης επενδυτικής έρευνας και την Προειδοποίηση ρίσκου όσον αφορά τις παραπάνω πληροφορίες, τις οποίες μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ.

Προειδοποίηση ρίσκου: Τα κεφάλαιά σας κινδυνεύουν. Τα προϊόντα με μόχλευση ενδέχεται να μην είναι κατάλληλα για όλους. Παρακαλούμε λάβετε υπόψη σας τη Γνωστοποίηση ρίσκου.