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Texas Instruments: don’t mess with Elliott

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Pranav Kiran

TORONTO, June 7 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Texas Instruments TXN.O is shrewdly trying to capitalize on the microchip boom, but its ambition reflects the idea that everything’s bigger in its namesake home state. Even after generous U.S. subsidies to help build new manufacturing facilities, it will take significant growth in customer orders and market share to justify the spending. Pushy investor Elliott Investment Management makes a reasonable case that there’s scope to cut the plans down to size.

The $175 billion company’s analog semiconductors process signals from sensors measuring temperature, pressure and more. Over the years, it has increasingly catered to industrial and automotive users, which accounted for about three-quarters of revenue last year.

Dallas-based Texas Instruments is counting on higher demand from carmakers. It intends to spend $5 billion annually, excluding taxpayer-funded help, on capital expenditures through 2026 to build and equip factories. All the investment would support $30 billion of revenue by 2026, nearly double what analysts are estimating for this year according to LSEG, and $45 billion by 2030.

Such expansion makes sense up to a point. First, the U.S. government is backstopping chipmakers to secure supply domestically. Texas Instruments expects to receive about $4 billion of assistance. Its end markets also are expected to account for more than a third of the growth in semiconductors worldwide.

Even so, there are signs that boss Haviv Ilan is overspending. American chipmakers typically invest about 30% of revenue annually on capex and research and development combined, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association trade group. Texas Instruments is earmarking 44% of this year’s projected sales, and by 2026 it’s still due to be an above-average 35% using LSEG data.

It’s one reason why Elliott is urging greater discipline. It notes that the company’s projects will lift capacity 50% beyond the $20 billion of revenue expected in 2026, using estimates compiled by Visible Alpha. Instead, the hedge fund is proposing a more flexible strategy to satisfy demand that it reckons will plump free cash flow, which has declined 75% since Texas Instruments unveiled its capital management plans in 2022.

Although Texas Instruments shares have lagged the S&P 500 Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment Index .SPLRCSE over the past five years, they command 23 times expected EBITDA for the next 12 months. The valuation multiple exceeds that of smaller peers Intel INTC.O and NXP Semiconductors NXPI.O, and implies excessive optimism about the company’s ability to grow revenue. Sometimes it pays to mess with Texas.

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Elliott Investment Management on May 28 disclosed a $2.5 billion stake in Texas Instruments and urged the chipmaker to improve its free cash flow.

In a letter to the Texas Instruments board, the hedge fund firm proposed the introduction of a "dynamic capacity-management strategy," which it said would lead to free cash flow of as much as $9 a share by 2026. It added that the company’s targeted revenue capacity of $30 billion in 2026 is "far in excess of expected demand."

Texas Instruments CEO Haviv Ilan said on May 30 that he was reviewing Elliott’s suggestions and was looking forward to a “constructive dialogue” with the firm.

Editing by Jeffrey Goldfarb, Sharon Lam and Streisand Neto


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