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Tate & Lyle’s sour M&A may have nicer aftertaste

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Corrects first paragraph to state that Tate & Lyle is a former rather than current sugar producer. The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Aimee Donnellan

LONDON, June 20 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Tate & Lyle’s TATE.L latest spot of M&A may be more appetising than it looks. On Thursday, the $3.2 billion former cane sugar producer splurged $1.8 billion on ingredient business CP Kelco. A 7% fall in the buyer’s shares suggests investors may be focusing on sour returns. But the deal’s strategic logic may yet provide a pleasant aftertaste.

Tate & Lyle CEO Nick Hampton is coming to the end of his transformation plan. Hampton, who took over in 2018, has been shifting the business away from its commodity past and focusing it more on “clean label” ingredients that are not considered artificial additives. Last month, he also flogged his remaining stake in plant-based ingredient maker Primient, raising $1.5 billion in the process to bolster the company’s balance sheet and allow it to do a deal like CP Kelco.

Buying an ingredients business with better exposure to large growth markets like China and Latin America makes sense. And buying CP Kelco’s pectin-based ingredients can help offset the key flaw with clean label ingredients – they don’t taste as nice. Low-fat yogurts, for example, often have an unappetising consistency due to the loss of fat and sugar.

Some of the reasons for Thursday’s share price slide aren’t deal-related: Tate & Lyle paid a dividend on Thursday, and it is also part-paying for CP Kelco by giving owner J.M. Huber a 16% share in its business by issuing equity, which dilutes current investors. Yet the deal’s returns still look underwhelming.

Last year, CP Kelco’s revenue dropped 3% and its adjusted operating profit fell 26% to $62 million. Add $50 million of expected cost synergies and tax them at 22%, and the $1.8 billion outlay only yields a 5% return. That’s a long way from Tate & Lyle’s 9% cost of capital, a rough proxy for the target’s.

Yet Hampton can argue CP Kelco is in a temporary slump. Inflationary pressures are easing, which may encourage consumers to spend more. Supply chain disruptions also hit revenue and profits. Imagine sales grow at around 9% next year, the level achieved in 2021, and CP Kelco musters the 23% EBITDA margin it made that year. Lop off $69 million of depreciation and amortisation and add the synergies, and next year’s return would be near 8%. Fold in the strategic logic, and Tate & Lyle’s latest gambit has at least a path to passing the taste test.

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Britain’s $3.2 billion food ingredients maker Tate & Lyle said on June 20 it had entered into an agreement to buy CP Kelco, a leading provider of pectin and speciality gums, for $1.8 billion from privately held U.S. group J.M. Huber Corporation.

Tate, one of the world’s biggest producers of sweeteners, expects to generate $50 million of cost synergies in the second full financial year following completion of the deal. It also expects to generate revenue synergies of up to 10% of CP Kelco’s sales over the medium term.

Tate will finance the deal with $1.15 billion of cash and $645 million of new shares issued to J.M. Huber.

Tate & Lyle shares were down 7% at 630 pence as of 0952 GMT on June 20.

Graphic: Tate & Lyle’s performance under its current CEO https://reut.rs/3zdsD7d

Editing by George Hay and Oliver Taslic


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